Bedienungsanleitung BIANCHI SPRINT

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Mode d'emploi BIANCHI SPRINT
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung BIANCHI SPRINT

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] N° 9105 BNVD BIANCHI VENDING GROUP S. p. A. Corso Africa 9 - 24040 Località Zingonia, Verdellino (BG) - ITALIA tel. +39. 035. 4502111- fax +39. 035. 883. 304 UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 CERT. N° 9191. BNVN UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 Sprint DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY La BIANCHI VENDING GROUP S. p. A. [. . . ] ALARM SCROLL NOT USED TOTAL STROKES FOR RETURN TO NORMAL STATE NOT USED 7. 1. 1 Language selection So as to go into programming again it is necessary to know the access code or password. 00000 Once the code is composed, press the key “Enter” (P4) so as to accede to programming. the default code is 00001 On the display, after entering the code, the first function is displayed: – pressing ENTER you accede to the latter. – pressing + the next function will be displayed. – pressing ESC you exit from the sub menu of operation. N. B. : If you are in selection mode you can pass to programming mode. The code to be entered is composed of five digits. The cursor appears under the first; with the keys P1 and P2 increase or decrease the number; with P3 key (“cur”) move the cursor. Repeat the operations until the access code is composed. Maintenance panel (version soluble) MAINTENANCE (version soluble) KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 KEY 4 KEY 5 KEY 6 KEY 7 KEY 8 KEY 9 KEY 10 COMPLETE TEST WATER TEST ALARM RESET COFFEE MIXER WASHING CHOC. /MILK MIXER WASHING TEE MIXER WASHING ALARM SCROLL TOTAL STROKES FOR RETURN TO NORMAL STATE NOT USED The main menu bears the wording Menu choice on the first line, the second line bears the wording of the program menu relating to the following list: SALES OPTIONS BEVERAGES PRICE-KEYS COINS PRICES CODE DEFAULT DATA DISCOUNTS (only of clock chip is inserted) INCLUDE-JUG EURO CLOCK (only of clock chip is inserted) 26 27 And are in SERVICE mode, after which go first into SELECTION mode and then accede to the PROGRAMMING. So as to exit from programming mode press “ESC” until one of the above listed functions appears, then press the programming button placed on the keyboard card and return to the selection mode. It is also possible to reverse the programming using a PC and the programming kit supplies separately. 7. 2 Programming panel 7. 2 Function description 7. 2. 1 SALES (Fig. 7. 3) Permits access to all the sales statistics calculated by the machine. On confirming with the ENTER key, it is possible to enter the following menu in sequence which contains the relative statistic and data processing data: Total takings Takings Discount Overpay Drink x digits n Entries n Total entries n Free Jug Test Total sum which cannot be cancelled [0. . 16777215] Total sum which cancelled [0. . 16777215] Total discount [0. . 16777215] Total overpay [0. . 16777215] x=1. 8 indicates the relative drink to which it refers for the sum as shown on line 2 no. of entries relative to the drink associated with key x reference for the total cancellable entries total no. of cancellable entries reference for the total non cancellable entries total no. of entries that are not cancellable total cancellable free entries [0. . 16777215] total cancellable jug [0. . 16777215] total cancellable test [0. . 16777215] Line x coin x=1. 8 indicates the coin to which it refers for the display of the value displayed in line 2 [0. . 65535] To cancel the entries of the sales menu enter YES and press ENTER, [Yes/No] 7. 0 PROGRAMMING With the programming procedures described in this section it is possible to set all the parameters relative to the configuration of the machine, to the setting of the single doses, the prices of the drinks and extract all the vending statistical data. The “dialogue” between the operator and the machine occurs by means of the 32 digit liquid crystal display and the use of the selection key touc pad. The distributor is regulated with standard values from the testing stage with Coffee temperature, soluble drink temperature, selections combined with price number “1”. Product regulation = quantity of water and powder, for improved results it is possible to regulate the degree of grinding and dosing. Cancel? On pressing “P1” the menu is scrolled until the required function is reched; on pressing the ENTER key access is provided to the data of the selected function, if you continue to press ENTER access is provided for the reading of the other data, if present. Return ESC to return to the menu of origin PROGRAMMING INDEX 7. 1 General description and preliminary operations 7. 1. 1 Language selection 7. 2 Function description 7. 2. 1 SALES 7. 2. 2 OPTIONS 7. 2. 3 BEVERAGES 7. 2. 4 PRICE-KEYS 7. 2. 5 COINS 7. 2. 6 PRICES 7. 2. 7 CODE 7. 2. 8 DEFAULT DATA 7. 2. 9 DISCOUNTS 7. 2. 10 INCLUDE-JUG 7. 2. 11 EURO 7. 2. 12 CLOCK 7. 1 General description and preliminary operations Programming key The programming function is accessed by pressing the button P10 positioned on the keyboard cards. 7. 1); the request to input an access code to be entered by means of the key touchpad, will appear on the display. – The display messages are in four different languages that can be selected at choice by the operator during the installation phase (Fig. 7. 2). The programming data can be of two kinds: l NUMERICAL DATA This is all the data that refers to the water , powder, prices, time and date settings. [. . . ] Reset the programmed purifier decounter. Replace the grinders. Reset the programmed grinder decounters. Replace the filters. Reset the programmed grinder decounter. I s engaged in t he event of a fault on t he omnifet xx. Checkforany short circuits relative to the omnifet. Remedythe cause andswitchoff the distributorfor a few minutes. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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