Bedienungsanleitung BOSCH KGU32163GB

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Mode d'emploi BOSCH KGU32163GB
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung BOSCH KGU32163GB

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] KGU . . . de Gebrauchsanweisung en Instructions for use 9000005947 a 1-12 13 20 21 22 14 A 15 16 18 17 23 19 24 20 11 12 10 9 8 7 65 432 1 27 25 2 3 B 26 1-12 13 14 21 22 4 5 A 15 20 18 17 16 19 23 24 27 B 25 26 1 6 7 A 8 9 A 11 10 11 2-6 2 6 -1 26 4-8 2-6 A 12 13 15 A E-Nr. FD-Nr. 220-240V B 14 C 16 15 15 17 18 de - Abdeckung, Schrauben und Unterlagscheibe (1-2-3) entfernen - Griff ca. 5 mm nach außen schieben (4) - Vorsichtig ohne Drehen am Griff ziehen (5) - Stopfen entfernen und durch neue ersetzen - Neuen Griff in umgekehrter Reihenfolge der Schritte 5 ­ 1 montieren (7-8-9-10-11) en - Remove closing part, screws and washer (1-2-3) - Push handle appox. 5mm through outside (4) - Pull handle carefully without turning (5) - Remove and replace hole closing pins (6) - Apply the handle disassembly operation from 5 to 1 for fixing of the handle (7-8-9-10-11) de Inhaltsverzeichnis 4-5 5 5 6 7-9 9, 10 10 11, 12 12-14 15 16 16 17, 18 18 Hinweise zur Entsorgung und Sicherheit Bestimmungen Umgebungstemperatur beachten Gerät aufstellen Gerät kennenlernen Einschalten und Temperaturwahl Ausschalten, Gerät stillegen Lebensmittel einordnen Gefrieren und Lagern Reinigen Energiespartips Hinweise zu Betriebsgeräuschen Kleine Störungen selbst beheben Kundendienst en Index 19, 20 20 20 21 22-24 24, 25 25 26, 27 27-29 29, 30 30 31 31, 32 32 Disposal and safety information Regulations Observe ambient temperature Installation Getting to know your appliance Switching ON and setting temperatures Switching OFF and longer periods of disuse Food arrangement Freezing and storing Cleaning Power saving tips Information about operating noises Minor problems and how to rectify them yourself Customer Service Änderungen vorbehalten Subject to modification ROBERT BOSCH HAUSGERÄTE GMBH Carl-Wery-Str. [. . . ] Die Anschrift und die Telefonnummer des Kundendienstes finden Sie im Kundendienststellen-Verzeichnis oder im amtlichen Telefonbuch. 17 18 en Disposal and safety information Notes on disposal Old appliances still have some residual value. An environment-friendly method of disposal will ensure that valuable raw materials can be recovered and used again. Unplug your old appliance, cut through the mains cable and throw away cable and plug together. Remove the door lock so that children at play cannot become trapped inside and risk suffocation. The refrigerant used in fridge/freezers and the gases in the insulation material require special disposal procedures. Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the appliance are damaged prior to disposal. Your new appliance was protected by adequate packaging while it was on its way to you. All materials used for this purpose are environment-friendly and suitable for recycling. Please contribute to protecting the environment by disposing of the packaging appropriately. Do not allow children to play with any parts of the packaging. There is a risk of suffocation by the cardboard boxes and plastic wrapping. Up-to-date information concerning options for disposing of your old appliance and the packaging from the new one can be obtained from your retailer or local council office. This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EG concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU Safety information Before starting the appliance for the first time, you should read the information contained in the operating and installation instructions carefully. This information is vital for the installation, operation and servicing of the appliance. Keep the operating and installation instructions in a safe place and remember to hand them over to any subsequent owner. The manufacturer shall not be liable if the following instructions are not observed: l Never start up an appliance showing any signs of damage. l Installation and connection of the appliance must be carried out according to the installation instructions. Supply conditions and data must coincide with the data on the rating plate. l Do not under any circumstances use a steam cleaner on this appliance. The steam could come into contact with live parts of the appliance and cause a shortcircuit or electric shock. l Electrical safety of the appliance is only guaranteed if the household earthing system has been installed in compliance with regulations. [. . . ] 2/8, flashes but the acoustic signal is not emitted: the freezer compartment was too warm due to a power failure or a fault. adequate ventilation. Ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and never put it near a direct source of heat (radiator, etc. ). l Never block any vents or grilles on the appliance. l Allow warm food to cool down before placing in the appliance. l Put frozen food in the refrigerator to thaw. You can then use the low temperatures of the frozen products to cool food in the refrigerator. l Do not keep the door of the appliance open for too long when loading or taking out food. The shorter the time that the door is opened, the less ice will form on the freezer grids. l Clean the heat exchanger (black grid) at the back of the appliance every two years. * not on all models 30 31 en Minor problems and how to rectify them yourself After pressing the "alarm" button, the warmest temperature which has prevailed in the freezer compartment is displayed for 5 seconds on display 8 (not flashing). Then display 8 displays the current temperature in the freezer compartment without flashing. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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