Bedienungsanleitung CASIO XJ-ST145

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Mode d'emploi CASIO XJ-ST145

Sie können sich auch noch diese Handbücher, die sich auf Ihr Produkt beziehen, herunterladen:

   CASIO XJ-ST145 SETUP GUIDE (753 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung CASIO XJ-ST145

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] E DATA PROJECTOR XJ-H1600/XJ-H1650* XJ-ST145*/XJ-ST155* * USB Port Models User's Guide Be sure to read the precautions in the separate Setup Guide. For details about setting up the projector, see the Setup Guide. Be sure to keep all user documentation handy for future reference. DLP is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments of the United States. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. [. . . ] Restoring menu defaults will restore defaults for the current signal type (XGA/60Hz, SXGA/60Hz, etc. ) only. Restore Menu Defaults RCV Source Specific About the "Signal Specific" Setting Unit For the items that have "Signal Specific" in the "Setting Unit" column of the above table, the setting is saved for the specific type of signal (XGA/60Hz, SXGA/60Hz, etc. ) that is being input when the setting is performed, and not for a specific input source. Volume Adjustment Main Menu Setting Name Volume Input Setting Unit Description Use this sub-menu to adjust the volume level of the projector's speaker. Changing this setting when there is no input signal changes the volume setting of the currently selected signal source. Use this sub-menu to return Volume to its initial default setting. Restoring menu defaults when there is no input signal will restore defaults for the currently selected input source. R C V H D U N Source Specific Restore Menu Defaults R C V H D U N Source Specific 31 Screen Settings Main Menu Setting Name Keystone Correction Aspect Ratio Input Setting Unit Description Use this sub-menu to correct vertical keystoning of the projected image. Use this sub-menu to select an aspect ratio setting for the projected image. R C V H D U N Single RCVHD Source Specific Input Source: RGB or HDMI (PC) Normal*: Projects at the projector's maximum possible size while maintaining the input signal aspect ratio. Full: Projects at the projector's maximum possible size by enlarging or reducing the input signal. Input Source: Video, S-video, Component or HDMI (DTV) Normal*: Projects at the projector's maximum possible size while maintaining the input signal aspect ratio. 16:9 : This setting specifies a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is the same as a movie screen, high-definition TV, etc. Using this setting when the input signal is a 16:9 image that has been squeezed to a 4:3 image causes the image to be displayed with its normal 16:9 aspect ratio. Note When the input source is a component or an HDMI (DTV) signal with an aspect ratio of 16:9, the aspect ratio is fixed at 16:9. The aspect ratio setting cannot be changed in this case. For details about projection screen display conditions for different aspect ratio settings, see "Aspect Ratio Setting and Projection Image" (page 50). Important! Note that enlarging or reducing the size of an image for commercial purposes or public presentation may infringe on the legally protected copyright of the copyright holder of the original material. Projection Mode R C V H D U N Single Use this sub-menu to specify whether projection will be from the front of the screen or the back of the screen. Front*: Select this option to project from the front of the screen. Rear: Select this option to project from the back of the screen. This setting flips the front projected image horizontally. Use this sub-menu to configure the projector for use in an installation in which it is positioned upside down. On: Flips the projected image horizontally and vertically. Off*: Projects a normal image. Ceiling Mount R C V H D U N Single 32 Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Use this sub-menu to specify whether or not a startup screen should be projected whenever the projector is turned on. Logo: Select this option to project the projector's built-in logo screen at startup. None*: Select this option when you do not want to project a startup screen. Use this sub-menu to specify what should be projected when there is no input signal to the projector. [. . . ] Send Format Write Command Command Send Example (<command name><setting value>) ( VOL 0 ) sent from the computer to the projector. 4 Projector volume setting becomes 0 (mute). 60 See the "Command List" for details about command names and settings. All commands use ASCII characters and decimal format integers. The projector will return a question mark (?) when it is sent a command it cannot recognize. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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