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DieBedienungsAnleitung-Hilfe zum Download von D-LINK DFL-800.
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[. . . ] optional content filters can also prevent access to offensive websites based on your personal preferences.
preVenT Viruses FroM eVer reaching your pc
your pc's antivirus software helps you to detect viruses and other malware, but can only detect these threats once they have reached your pc. This is where the DFL-800 can make all the difference. The DFL-800 is placed between your pc and the internet, where it monitors network traffic and actively blocks dangerous content such as viruses and worms. [. . . ] in doing so, the firewall keeps your network secure and reliable by ensuring that only safely verified files will reach your desktop.
saFeLy access your hoMe neTwork reMoTeLy
Vpn support allows you to access your home network safely from remote locations. whether at work, in a hotel, or on the road, connect to your home network with your pre-configured Vpn account to conveniently and securely access your data. cable and DsL users with dynamic ip addresses can take advantage of DDns services which simplify access to systems with dynamic ip addresses.
DFL-800 - ToTaL neTwork securiTy
user-FrienDLy Design
a user-friendly web interface assists with initial setup and simplifies the configuration of complex security settings. The DFL-800's compact and unobtrusive desktop chassis is easily incorporated into an existing network.
uniFieD ThreaT ManageMenT
unified Threat Management (uTM) features provide a reliable defense against a diverse assortment of internet threats. The DFL-800 maintains separate databases for intrusion prevention, antivirus, and web content Filtering. D-Link's netDefendTM soho uTM subscription service ensures that these three databases remain consistent, accurate, and up-to-date.
gigabiT inTerFace For MaxiMuM ThroughpuT
a gigabit ethernet interface ensures high-speed performance and facilitates interoperability with existing network hardware. The DFL-800 can carry out ips and antivirus scanning functions simultaneously without degrading firewall and Vpn performance. The firewall prevents outside access to vulnerable ports and software security holes and actively scans incoming files for viruses and malware. Vpn functions allow secure access to the firewalled network from remote locations. D-Link green Technology allows the
power reset usb coM gigabit Lan ethernet wan gigabit DMZ
TechnicaL speciFicaTions
Hardware CPU: Intel IXP435 @ 400MHz Flash: 128 MB draM: 128 MB VPN accelerator static IP address PPPoe for xdsL, PPtP Client for xdsL, dHCP Client for waN interface Internal dHCP server
conserVe energy
The DFL-800 implements D-Link green Technology which includes power-saving features such as cable Length Detection and power saving Mode. power levels are automatically adjusted based on the length of connected cables. ports with no link are automatically powered down, drastically reducing the amount of power used for that port. in addition, the firewall's power adapter is certified by energy sTar®. on an average, energy sTar® compliant adapters are 30% more efficient than conventional models.
IP assIgNMeNt & roUtINg
attack alarm Via e-mail Notification supported Protocol: HttP, FtP, sMtP, PoP3 antivirus over VPN Protocol/Port Configurable scanning of all MIMe types decompression explosion Protection supported Compression File Formats: ZIP, gZIP scan exclusion Control
aNtIVIrUs PaCket INsPeCtIoN
4 x ethernet LaN (10/100/1000) 1 x ethernet waN (10/100) 1 x ethernet dMZ (10/100/1000) 1 x dB-9 rs-232 Console Port 1 x UsB 2. 0
IP Multicast: IgMP v3 routing and Forwarding (Compatible with v1 and v2) ddNs Client: d-Link ddNs, dyndNs. org supports aLg (application Layer gateway) HttP, FtP, PoP3, sMtP, tFtP
PerForMaNCe aNd CaPaCIty
proTecT The enVironMenT
The DFL-800 complies with rohs (restriction of hazardous substances) and weee (waste electrical and electronic equipment) directives. [. . . ] on an average, energy sTar® compliant adapters are 30% more efficient than conventional models.
IP assIgNMeNt & roUtINg
attack alarm Via e-mail Notification supported Protocol: HttP, FtP, sMtP, PoP3 antivirus over VPN Protocol/Port Configurable scanning of all MIMe types decompression explosion Protection supported Compression File Formats: ZIP, gZIP scan exclusion Control
aNtIVIrUs PaCket INsPeCtIoN
4 x ethernet LaN (10/100/1000) 1 x ethernet waN (10/100) 1 x ethernet dMZ (10/100/1000) 1 x dB-9 rs-232 Console Port 1 x UsB 2. 0
IP Multicast: IgMP v3 routing and Forwarding (Compatible with v1 and v2) ddNs Client: d-Link ddNs, dyndNs. org supports aLg (application Layer gateway) HttP, FtP, PoP3, sMtP, tFtP
PerForMaNCe aNd CaPaCIty
proTecT The enVironMenT
The DFL-800 complies with rohs (restriction of hazardous substances) and weee (waste electrical and electronic equipment) directives. rohs directives restrict the use of specific hazardous materials during the manufacture of electrical and electronic goods. weee implements standards for proper disposal and makes use of recyclable packaging to help reduce waste.
Firewall Performance: 70 Mbps 3des/aes Performance: 25 Mbps IdP/antivirus Performance: 15 Mbps Current session: 6, 000 Policies: 300 supported Users: Unrestricted
web UI Interface sNtP and UdP time synchronization supports d-Link NtP server
systeM MaNageMeNt
HttP web UrL Filter over 30 web Content Categories
dyNaMIC weB CoNteNt FILterINg
FIrewaLL Mode oF oPeratIoN
Layer 3 mode: route Mode, Nat Mode Layer 2 mode: transparent Mode Network address translation (Nat) Port address translation (Pat) Port Forwarding time-scheduled Policies Configuration
Multi-level User Permission Control (administrator and read-only) software Upgrade, Configuration Backup/restore from web UI
User aNd deVICe adMINIstratIoN
Built-in User database: 250 Users
User aUtHeNtICatIoN
LoggINg aNd MoNItorINg
IPsec Protocol: esP IPsec Mode: tunnel Mode, transport Mode encryption Method: des/3des/aes/ twofish/Blowfish/Cast-128/NULL site to site VPN, remote access VPN for IPsec Up to 30 dedicated VPN tunnels Ike
VIrtUaL PrIVate Network (VPN)
Internal Log Capacity: 500 records Log Viewer VPN tunnel Monitor e-mail Notification for IdP Log supports external syslog server supports 2 Log receivers separate Internal Logging for IdP, aV, wCF
supported Protocol: sMtP sender/recipient e-mail address Blacklist/exempt List Filtering MIMe Header Check for File extensions Filtering e-mail rate Protection e-mail size Protection antispam real-time dNsBL/open relay database server weight-based dNs Blacklist Customized spam tag Information in e-mail subject Forward Blocked e-mails
e-MaIL seCUrIty **
Power, status, waN, dMZ 4 x LaN (Link/action/speed)
0º to 50ºC guaranteed Bandwidth Maximum Bandwidth Priority-Bandwidth Utilization
oPeratINg teMPeratUre
BaNdwIdtH MaNageMeNt *
5% to 95% (Non-condensing) Power Consumption: < 20w
oPeratINg HUMIdIty:
Mode: MaIN Mode
authentication algorithm: Md5, sHa-1 support PPtP/L2tP/IPsec VPN server PPtP server supports MPPe encryption XaUtH authentication support key Management: Pre-share key IPsec Nat traversal (Nat-t) Prevents replay attack
NIds Pattern auto Update dos, ddos attack Protection detects Nimda and Codered attacks
INtrUsIoN deteCtIoN aNd PreVeNtIoN systeM (IdP)
220mm (L) x 150mm (w) x 32. 5mm (H) weight: 480g
* performance based on rFc 2544 ** Functions available via future firmware upgrade
ACN 052 202 838
D-Link Corporation no. [. . . ]
DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter… DieBedienungsAnleitung kann in keiner Weise dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden, dass gesuchte Dokumente nicht verfügbar, unvollständig oder in einer fremden Sprach verfasst sind, oder wenn Produkt oder Sprache nicht der Beschreibung entsprechen. DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet keinerlei Übersetzungsdienste an.
Wenn Sie die Bedingungen akzeptieren, klicken Sie auf "Das Benutzerhandbuch herunterladen" am Ende dieses Vertrages, der Download von Handbuch D-LINK DFL-800 startet dann.