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DieBedienungsAnleitung-Hilfe zum Download von DENON DN-SC2000.

Mode d'emploi DENON DN-SC2000

Sie können sich auch noch diese Handbücher, die sich auf Ihr Produkt beziehen, herunterladen:

   DENON DN-SC2000 DATASHEET (433 ko)
   DENON DN-SC2000 QUICK GUIDE (2754 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung DENON DN-SC2000QUICK GUIDE FOR TRAKTOR PRO

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Heed Warnings ­ All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. Follow Instructions ­ All operating and use instructions should be followed. Cleaning ­ Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. [. . . ] NOTE:Reverse playback is performed for a maximum of 10 seconds, after which playback returns to normal. 16 ENGLISH 12 PLATTER EFFECT BRAKE mode off TITLE DRAG-S e When the BRAKE buttons is pressed, the BRAKE time selection mode is set. If the BRAKE button is pressed again during this time, the BRAKE functions is turned off. DRAG-S (DRAG START): BRAKE FLIP MEMO CLR A1 A A2 B EXIT/ RELOOP 1-5 Simulates the dragging sound of a turntable starting up from a stop mode. PRESET TIME NEXT TR. /B TRIM 3-1 QUICK JUMP Set the DRAG-S mode y The DRAG-S function can be turned on by pushing the DRAG-S button. DRAG-S CONT. /SINGLE TRACK SEARCH MP3 SEARCH MODE FAST SEARCH w, u TAP ECHO /LOOP FLANGER AUTO RVS Set the RVS mode FILTER DISC MODE ON : : BEND Select the DRAG-S time: When the DRAG-S turn on, the PARAMETERS and DRAG-S LED flashes and parameter are displayed. If you use with default settings, there is a 3 second DRAG-S time out of inactivity for the DRAG-S button once selected and PARAMETERS knob if adjusted. After 3 seconds, and exits out of the DRAG-S menu. u The DRAG-S time can be selected with the PARAMETERS knob. · When the PARAMETERS knob is pushed, the time is entered and the DRAG-S time selection mode is cancelled. y, i q, e r, t DRAG-S 0 BRAKE 2-1 r The RVS function can be turned on by pushing the RVS button. RVS RVS CUE CUE/STUTTER PITCH/KEY 3-2 Start the RVS (REVERSE) play: PITCH BEND DISC EJECT RANGE PLAY/PAUSE 2-2 BRAKE BRAKE Simulates a winding-down sound of a turntable coming to a full stop slowly. w The BRAKE time can be selected with the PARAMETERS knob. · When the PARAMETERS knob is pushed, the time is entered and the BRAKE time selection mode is cancelled. w Turn the @3 PARAMETERS knob to select the various MEMO modes from as follows. Memo Set, Memo Call, Memo Clr Depending on conditions, some modes cannot be selected. e Push the !7 MEMO button again to exit MEMO mode. (1) Storing data in the memory [Memo Set] · After make the settings to be stored in the memory, then push i CUE button. · When MEMO indicator on the display is off in Cue mode, push !7 MEMO button to enable Memo set function. · If MEMO indicator lights up, it is necessary to clear existing Memo before store new Memo. · At last push @3 PARAMETERS knob to fix. You can see "Complete!" message and MEMO indicator lights up. MEMO FULL · If the memory is full and no more data can be stored, "Memo Full!" and "Del 200?" message appears. · In this case, you need to clear memory of First 200s Memo (number 1 to 200) at a time to make space for new memos. · To make space, push @3 PARAMETERS knob while "Del 200?" message is displayed. [. . . ] Range (PITCH RANGE) : 4% Range / 10% Range* / 16% Range / 24% Range Wählen Sie den Wiedergabe-Pitchbereich beim Einschalten der Stromversorgung aus. EOM Time : Titelendemeldung-Startzeit (EOM OFF / EOM 10 sec* / EOM 15 sec / EOM 20 sec / EOM 30 sec / EOM 60 sec / EOM 90 sec) Total Time : Total ON / Total OFF* Gesamtzeit-Anzeige ein/aus. Fader Mode (FADER START MODE) : Play / Cue* / Play / Pause Wählen Sie den 2-Line-Typ (Cue und Wiedergabe) oder 1-Line-Typ (Wiedergabe und Pause). Play OFF* Die Wiedergabe startet, wenn die Stromzufuhr eingeschaltet ist, wenn eine Disc eingelegt wird. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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