Bedienungsanleitung GERICOM LCD PC

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[. . . ] I PREFACE NOTICE The company reserves the right to revise this publication or to change its contents without notice. Information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute a commitment on the part of the manufacturer or any subsequent vendor. They assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publication nor are they in anyway responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use (or misuse) of this publication. This publication and any accompanying software may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, translated, transmitted or reduced to any machine readable form without prior consent from the vendor, manufacturer or creators of this publication, except for copies kept by the user for backup purposes. [. . . ] Click Start (menu), point to Settings and click Control Panel. Double-click Power Management (icon) and click Advanced (tab). In the When I press the power button on my computer list, click the arrow and select Standby and then click Apply. Standby mode (Win98SE) Automatically The system will automatically enter Standby mode after the preset time of system inactivity. Click Start (menu), point to Settings and click Control Panel. Double-click Power Management (icon) and click Power Schemes (tab). In the System Standby list, click the arrow and select the setting you prefer and then click Apply. WAKING UP Press the power button and the system will restore to where it last left off. 3 ­ 12 HARD DISK AND DISPLAY TIMEOUTS The device (display/hard disk) will turn off after the preset time of inactivity. Click Start (menu), point to Settings and click Control Panel. Double-click Power Management (icon)and click Power Schemes (tab). Click the arrow and select the settings you prefer in the Turn off Monitor and Turn off hard disks lists. Then, click Apply (button). ADVANCED CONTROLS When the display times out, it goes blank and the Power LED remains green. Press any key or perform any mouse action and the system will restore to where it last left off. display & HDD timeouts (Win98SE) 3 ­ 13 3. ADVANCED CONTROLS POWER OPTIONS IN WINDOWS ME & WINDOWS 2000 PRO ADVANCED CONTROLS HIBERNATE MODE ENABLING 1. Click Start (menu), point to Settings and click Control Panel. Double-click Power Options (icon) and click Hibernate (tab). Select Enable hibernate support (check box) and click Apply. ACTIVATING You can use one of the following methods to put the system in hibernation. Manually Method 1: Using the Shut Down dialog box (Start > Shut Down. . . ) Method 2: Using the power button (configure the power button as described below) 1. Go to Control Panel > Power Options (icon) > Advanced (tab). In the When I press the power button on my computer list click the arrow and select Hibernate and then click Apply. Automatically The system will hibernate after the preset time of system inactivity. Go to Control Panel > Power Options (icon) > Power Schemes (tab). In the System hibernates list click the arrow and select the setting you prefer and then click Apply. WAKING UP Press the power button and the system will restore to where it last left off. 3 ­ 14 Hibernate mode (WinMe & Win2000Pro) STANDBY MODE ENABLING By default, this function is enabled. ADVANCED CONTROLS ACTIVATING You can use one of the following methods to put the system on standby. Manually Method 1: pressing the Standby key. Method 2: using the Shut Down dialog box (Start > Shut Down. . . ) Method 3: using the power button (configure the power button as described below). [. . . ] First, consult the printer's user documentation to find out which mode your printer can use. Second, go to SCU and check the setting in the LPT Port field (Components menu > LPT Port > Port Definition). Refer to Chapter 4, System Utilities, More on SCU - a few details, LPT Port. 7­8 printer OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING Problem I can put the system on standby but cannot wake it up using the Standby key. I cannot enable Hibernate support in Windows 98. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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