Bedienungsanleitung NEFF E1664B1

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Mode d'emploi NEFF E1664B1
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung NEFF E1664B1

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[. . . ] Als Trennvorrichtung gelten Schalter mit einer Kontaktöffnung von mehr als 3 mm und allpoliger Abschaltung. Dazu gehören LSSchalter, Sicherungen und Schütze. 5 N 2 3 4 L3 4 5 N 5 N Das Anschlussbild befindet sich auf der Rückwand des Gerätes. 220-230V ~ 380-400V2N~ 380-400V3N ~ 1 L1 1 L1 2 3 4 Bei Reparaturen das Gerät generell stromlos machen. Das ordnungsgemäß eingebaute Gerät muss nach allen Seiten so abgedeckt sein, dass eine Berührung auch von betriebsisolierten Teilen nicht möglich ist. Die Abdeckung darf nur mit Hilfe von Werkzeugen abnehmbar sein. 123 L1 L2 L3 3 Anschließen der Einbaumulde Anschließbare Einbaumulden Kochfeld und Gerät müssen vom gleichen Hersteller und mit einem gleichfarbigen Punkt auf dem Hinweisaufkleber für Kombination gekennzeichnet sein, sonst Funktionsstörung. [. . . ] A separator must be installed in the household circuit. A suitable separator is a switch that has a contact gap of more than 3 mm and interrupts all poles. Other examples are LS switches, fuses and contactors. In the case of repairs interrupt all power connections to the unit. The properly installed appliance must be covered on all sides in such a fashion that not even components with rough insulation are exposed to the touch. The cover must be removable with tools only. The connection diagram is located on the rear panel of the appliance. 220-230V ~ 380-400V2N~ 380-400V3N ~ 1 L1 1 L1 2 2 3 4 5 N 5 N 5 N 3 4 L3 4 123 L1 L2 L3 6 Connecting the built-in hob Connectable built-in hobs Cooking surface and appliance must be from the same manufacturer and marked with a point on the instructions sticker. Otherwise functional failures will result. They must have the same rated voltage (see nameplate). Prior to connecting the built-in hob, the built-in cooker must be installed. WARNING: Strictly observe the connecting diagram on the cooker and the assembly instructions for the built-in hob. The green-yellow earth line of the built-in hob must be connected to the earthing screw of the built-in cooker. If the earth line is not properly connected, there is the danger of electric shock. Important: The colour-coded plugs of the built-in hob must be plugged into the receptacles of the same colour on the built-in cooker. Furniture programmes Cooker conversion cabinets from virtually all lines of kitchen furniture are suitable for installing the built-in cooker. However, the veneers or plastic laminates on the conversion cabinets must be applied with heat-resistant cement (90 C). If plastic laminates or cement are not sufficiently heatresistant, warping, bubbling or detachment of the finish may result. Based on the testing regulations for heat exposure, the unit complies with type Y. Connecting 7 Installation of the hob WARNING The appliance may be installed with a high cabinet or a high wall only on one side of it. On the respective opposite side, the height of an adjacent piece of furnishing may not exceed the height of the working surface in which the hob is installed. The distance between the high wall on the side of the hob and the rear wall must comply with the assembly instructions for the built-in hob. Observe the protection class for heat exposure as stated in the assembly instructions Push the built-in cooker into the installation roughing of the conversion cabinet and align the unit until it is in a level position. 560 570 Installation 600 55 min. 0 6 Open the oven door and, using one screw on each side, fasten the built-in cooker to the side strips of the conversion cabinet (see illustration). When screwing in the two screws (enclosed in a bag with the built-in cooker), ensure that they are pointing outwards at a slight angle. [. . . ] La distanza laterale della cucina rispetto ad un mobile alto e rispetto alla parete posteriore deve essere conforme alle istruzioni di montaggio per la cucina da incasso e rispettare la classe di sicurezza per il riscaldamento indicata nelle istruzioni. Spingere il forno da incasso nel vano di montaggio del mobile e livellarlo perfettamente orizzontale. 560 570 Montaggio 600 55 min. 0 6 Aprire la porta del forno e fissare il forno al mobile con una vite per ciascun listello laterale (vedi figura). Nell'avvitare le due viti (sono accluse in una bustina alla cucina da incasso) tenerle leggermente oblique verso l'esterno. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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