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DieBedienungsAnleitung-Hilfe zum Download von NEFF K2134W5.
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9000 032709 (8505)
de en it
Gebrauchsanleitung Operating instructions Istruzioni per l'uso
de Inhaltsverzeichnis
Hinweise zur Entsorgung . Raumtemperatur und Belüftung beachten . Tiefkühlkost lagern und Eis bereiten . 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15
en Table of Contents
Information concerning disposal . [. . . ] Use the deep frozen food before the sell by date runs out.
The freezer compartment
S For storing deep frozen food S For making ice cubes S For freezing small quantities of food Ensure that the freezer compartment door has been closed properly. If the door is open, the frozen food will thaw. The freezer compartment will become covered in thick ice. Also: waste of energy due to high power consumption!
Ice cube tray
Fig. w Fill the ice cube tray ¾ full of water and place in the freezer compartment. To loosen the ice cubes, twist the ice tray slightly or hold briefly under flowing water.
Freezing food
Freeze fresh, undamaged food only. To prevent food from losing its flavour or drying out, place in airtight containers.
Freezing capacity
You can freeze up to 2 kg of food within 24 hours. Note: If fresh food is being frozen, the refrigerating unit runs automatically until the food is frozen. The refrigerator compartment temperature may drop. If required, rotate the temperature selector to a lower setting.
How to wrap food correctly:
1. Label the wrapping with the contents and date. The following products are not suit able for wrapping food: Wrapping paper, greaseproof paper, cellophane, refuse bags and used shop ping bags. The following products are suitable for wrapping food: Plastic film, polyethylene blown film, aluminium foil and freezer tins. These products can be purchased from your dealer. The following products are suitable for sealing the wrapped food: Rubber bands, plastic clips, string, cold resistant adhesive tape or similar. Bags and polyethylene blown film can be sealed with a film sealer.
Storage duration of the frozen food
Depends on the type of food. At a mean temperature: S Fish, sausage, ready meals and cakes and pastries: up to 6 months S Cheese, poultry and meat: up to 8 months S Vegetables and fruit: up to 12 months
Thawing frozen food
Depending on the type of food and intended use, frozen produce can be thawed as follows: S At room temperature S In the refrigerator S In an electric oven, with/without fan assisted hot air S In the microwave Note Do NOT refreeze food which is beginning to thaw or which has already thawed. It can only be refrozen when it has been used to prepare a ready meal (boiled or fried). No longer store the frozen produce for the max. storage period.
Proceed as follows
1. Remove the frozen food and store temporarily in a cool location. Pull out the mains plug or remove the fuse. [. . . ] Figura e/A I prodotti congelati si sono attaccati.
Il congelatore ha uno spesso strato di ghiaccio.
Il fondo del vano frigorifero è bagnato.
Guasto La temperatura nel frigorifero è troppo bassa.
Causa possibile
La porta del congelatore Chiudere la porta del congelatore. La porta non è chiusa del congelatore deve chiudersi con uno scatto correttamente. Il selettore temperatura Disporre il selettore temperatura su un numero è regolato su un numero di riferimento più piccolo. di riferimento troppo alto.
La temperatura nel frigorifero è troppo bassa.
A causa del Non congelare mai più di 2 kg di alimenti congelamento di grandi per volta. [. . . ]
DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter… DieBedienungsAnleitung kann in keiner Weise dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden, dass gesuchte Dokumente nicht verfügbar, unvollständig oder in einer fremden Sprach verfasst sind, oder wenn Produkt oder Sprache nicht der Beschreibung entsprechen. DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet keinerlei Übersetzungsdienste an.
Wenn Sie die Bedingungen akzeptieren, klicken Sie auf "Das Benutzerhandbuch herunterladen" am Ende dieses Vertrages, der Download von Handbuch NEFF K2134W5 startet dann.