Bedienungsanleitung NETGEAR WN111V2

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[. . . ] NETGEAR RangeMax Wireless-N USB 2. 0 Adapter WN111v2 User Manual NETGEAR, Inc. 4500 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA 202-10384-01 May 2008 ©2008 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support Please refer to the support information card that shipped with your product. By registering your product at http://www. netgear. com/register, we can provide you with faster expert technical support and timely notices of product and software upgrades. [. . . ] For more information, see "Smart Wizard Status Bar" on page 1-5. . 2-6 v1. 0, May 2008 NETGEAR RangeMax Wireless-N USB 2. 0 Adapter WN111v2 User Manual Generating a PIN to Connect to a Wireless Access Point or Router There are two ways to enable the wireless-N USB adapter to join a wireless network: using the router or access point's security PIN; or using the wireless-N USB adapter's security PIN (the wireless-N USB adapter can generate a PIN to connect to the router). To use either the router's security PIN or the adapter's security PIN: 1. Use the icon to open the Smart Wizard of the wireless-N USB adapter. On the status bar, click Join a Network (or click the Networks tab and select the network). The wireless-N USB adapter detects a network with WPS. Figure 2-5 2. To use a PIN, select No, and then click Next, then do either of the following: · To use the wireless router or access point's security PIN, enter it in the field provided, as shown in Figure 2-6. 2-7 v1. 0, May 2008 NETGEAR RangeMax Wireless-N USB 2. 0 Adapter WN111v2 User Manual The adapter will connect with the router. Figure 2-6 · To use the adapter's security PIN, select the bullet for the adapter to generate a random PIN, as shown in Figure 2-7. The adapter generates and displays a random PIN. ­ Write down the generated PIN. Figure 2-7 ­ On the access point or router that you have selected, log in to the router or access point, then follow the prompts to enter the adapter's PIN. The router will connect to the adapter. You can use the Status Bar to verify your network connection. For more information, see "Smart Wizard Status Bar" on page 1-5. 2-8 v1. 0, May 2008 NETGEAR RangeMax Wireless-N USB 2. 0 Adapter WN111v2 User Manual Creating a Profile The WN111v2 Smart Wizard uses profiles to store all the settings for a particular wireless network. There are two special profile names: Default and Profile. The profile named Default automatically scans for any available network. If you do not enter a name in the Profile Name field, the name Profile is used to save your settings. If you do this more than once, you are asked if you want to replace the previous settings stored in Profile. You can store multiple profiles and recall the one that matches the network you want to join. If you use your computer to connect to different wireless networks, you can create a profile for each wireless network. Then, you can easily load the profile that has all the settings that you need to join the network you are using at the time. There are two types of wireless network profiles that you can set up: · · Access Point (Infrastructure). Connect to an access point or router with the 802. 11 infrastructure mode. Connect directly to another computer with the 802. 11 Ad Hoc mode. For more information about wireless network modes, see the wireless reference document at: http://documentation. netgear. com/reference/enu/wireless/index. htm. Setting Up a Profile to Connect to an Access Point or Router Follow these instructions to set up the RangeMax Wireless-N USB 2. 0 Adapter WN111v2 to connect to a wireless access point or router. 2-9 v1. 0, May 2008 NETGEAR RangeMax Wireless-N USB 2. 0 Adapter WN111v2 User Manual 1. Use the icon to open the Smart Wizard. [. . . ] Make sure that the IP addresses and the Windows networking parameters are all configured correctly. See the link to "Internet Networking and TCP/IP Addressing:" in Chapter B. Restart the cable or DSL modem, router, access point, and computer. How can I view the IP address for the wireless-N USB adapter? [. . . ]


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