Bedienungsanleitung NIKON AKKULADEGERO MH-21

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung NIKON AKKULADEGERO MH-21

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[. . . ] Nikon Japan has certified two GPS receivers for use with the D1X/H Magellan ColorTrack Garmin GPS III The following GPS units were recently tested and confirmed operational with the D1X/H by Nikon Inc. Magellan MAP 315 Magellan MAP 330 Magellan MAP 410 Garmin GPSMap 76 Garmin E-Trex Garmin E-Trex Vista These receivers are NMEA 2. 1 compliant, and send GPS location data to the D1X/H How to setup a D1X/H to accept GPS data feeds from compliant GPS receivers. Setup Menu GPS Input is OFF Select the GPS option by using the 4 way switch Setup menu Activating GPS Input Menu. [. . . ] Magellan MAP 315 Magellan MAP 330 Magellan MAP 410 Garmin GPSMap 76 Garmin E-Trex Garmin E-Trex Vista These receivers are NMEA 2. 1 compliant, and send GPS location data to the D1X/H How to setup a D1X/H to accept GPS data feeds from compliant GPS receivers. Setup Menu GPS Input is OFF Select the GPS option by using the 4 way switch Setup menu Activating GPS Input Menu. Select ON by using the 4 way switch Setup Menu GPS Data input is ON Check the TOP LCD to see if the "D" symbol appears The "D" symbol above the shutter speed display indicates an active GPS Data Feed file://localhost/Volumes/8-5-2002/Nikontechusa. com/Nikontechnicalnote9. htm Page 1 of 3 Making the GPS connection 9/12/02 1:32 PM The First Page of Shooting data The Second page of Shooting data The Third page displays Location Data Connecting your GPS receiver to the D1X/H Some GPS receivers ship with a cable suited for connection to a PC system (DB-9 serial connector) The D1X and AKKULADEGERO MH-21 require a 2. 5mm male stereo connector for connection to a GPS receiver. The GPS receiver manual will contain a diagram of the pinouts for the cables they supply. Some vendors will supply a "bare cable" (a cable with the special connector for the GPS unit, and a set of bare leads for connection to other devices). Some vendors may not supply such a cable and the user will have to fabricate a correct cable for their unit. The Diagram to the left shows the DB-9 connector pinouts used for Magellan GPS receivers. For Page 2 of 3 Magellan GPS Map 315/330 Serial Connector Pinouts file://localhost/Volumes/8-5-2002/Nikontechusa. com/Nikontechnicalnote9. htm Making the GPS connection 9/12/02 1:32 PM connection to D1X and AKKULADEGERO MH-21 cameras the Data-Out from the GPS receiver (Pin #2) must be connected to the Data-in connection on the 2. 5mm stereo jack. The Ground connection (Pin#5) must be connected to the Ground connection on the 2. 5mm stereo jack. Please note that some brands GPS receivers may use other cable designs, this Magellan system is used as an example. Both the MAP 315 and MAP 330 receivers use the same pin configurations. [. . . ] The Ground connection (Pin#5) must be connected to the Ground connection on the 2. 5mm stereo jack. Please note that some brands GPS receivers may use other cable designs, this Magellan system is used as an example. [. . . ]


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