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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung NIKON TRANSPARENCY UNIT

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[. . . ] Transparency Unit Durchlichteinheit Adaptateur pour transparents User's Manual Bedienungsanleitung Mode d'emploi Nikon Transparency Unit User's Manual i Cautions · The reproduction of all or part of this manual without our permission is prohibited. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. We have made every effort to produce a perfect manual, but should you find any mistakes, we would be grateful if you would kindly let us know. We shall take no responsibility for consequences resulting from the operation of this product, despite the terms mentioned above. · · · CHANGES OR MODIFICATION NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR COMPLIANCE COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. Cautions When duplicating images with the Unit, the following restrictions must be adhered to: · Reproduction of paper money, coins and government securities is unlawful and such acts shall be punished. [. . . ] Hinweise für den Gebrauch der Durchlichteinheit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grundlegende Hinweise für die Wartung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation de l'adaptateur pour transparents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilisation de l'adaptateur pour transparents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caractéristiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Nikon Transparency Unit User's Manual ix x Nikon Transparency Unit User's Manual Transparency Unit Durchlichteinheit Adaptateur pour transparents Nikon Transparency Unit User's Manual 1 1. Introduction Thank you for purchasing your Nikon transparency unit. This manual describes the steps from unpacking to setting up the transparency unit and connecting it to your scanner. Please read this manual thoroughly to ensure proper operation of the unit. For an explanation of how to scan and reproduce images using the ScanTouch scanner with the transparency unit, please refer to the software manual. We hope that you find this manual helpful. 2. Unpacking The optical assembly in the transparency unit is held in place during shipment by an optical assembly slider lock. The slider lock must be unlocked before the unit will work properly, as otherwise the optical system may be damaged while scanning. Accessories The following items are included with your transparency unit. When you open the package, please check whether all items are supplied. If there are any missing items, please contact your dealer immediately. Überprüfen Sie den Inhalt nach dem Öffnen der Verpackung auf Vollständigkeit. Sollte ein Zubehörteil fehlen, wenden Sie sich bitte umgehend an Ihren Fachhändler. · · · Durchlichteinheit (1) Schrauben (2) Bedienungsanleitung (1) Accessoires Les accessoires suivants sont inclus avec l'adaptateur pour transparents. À l'ouverture de l'emballage d'origine, assurez vous de la présence de tous ces éléments. Si certains venaient à manquer, contactez votre revendeur Nikon immédiatement. · · · Adaptateur pour transparents (1) Vis (2) Mode d'emploi (1) Nikon Transparency Unit User's Manual 3 2. Unpacking Unlock the Optical Assembly Step 1 Separate the transparency unit from its protective styrofoam moulding and plastic wrapping. Step 2 Locate the slider lock on the underside of the unit near the back. Step 3 Move the plastic slider until the mark points to the Unlocked symbol, as shown below. Optical Assembly Slider Lock Schiebeverschluß für die optische Einheit Curseur de verrouillage du bloc optique Lock the Optical Assembly When transporting or shipping the transparency unit, be sure to re-lock the optical assembly to avoid damage. [. . . ] Un cache permet de manipuler une diapositive sans risquer d'y déposer des empreintes digitales, ou d'y faire des rayures. Nikon Transparency Unit User's Manual 11 6. Basic Maintenance Regularly cleaning the glass platten of the transparency unit will ensure that dirt or smudges will not reduce the quality of your scanned images. Before you clean the glass, make sure the scanner is turned off and the power cord is unplugged. u Be sure that nothing covers the calibration area. [. . . ]


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