Bedienungsanleitung SENNHEISER EM 1001

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung SENNHEISER EM 1001

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[. . . ] · 8 Kanal-Diversity Empfang mit mikroprozessorgesteuerten Empfängerkassetten in modularem Aufbau. Integriertes Computerinterface für Fernbedienbarkeit und Überwachungsmöglichkeiten durch Software-Steuerung. Kleinst-Taschensender mit 16 schaltbaren Kanälen, Akku- oder Batteriebetrieb und erhöhtem Geräuschspannungsabstand durch HIDYN plus®. Eine in weiten Grenzen frei programmierbare Einstellung der Sender und Empfänger (Einsatz von PROMS und EEPROMS) ermöglicht eine umfassend flexible Anpassung an jeden Aufgabenbereich. [. . . ] The serial number cannot be changed. FREQUENCY RANGE OF THE MODULE to select the parameter to be indicated. Scrolling is stopped by keeping SET The display shows the standard frequencies or frequency ranges. SOFTWARE VERSION depressed. Shows the version of the software used. HARDWARE VERSION OF THE MODULE NOTA BENE Depress ESC 1 Version of the analog section (information for Sennheiser's Service Department or Sennheiser distributors) 2 Version of the digital section (information for Sennheiser's Service Department or Sennheiser distributors) CUSTOMER-SPECIFIC TEXT to return to the previous level. This key also serves to stop data entry in case of errors. Publ. 10/94 engl, A 02 It is entered by Sennheiser electronic KG or your Sennheiser distributor, if ordered. 32 REMOTE MONITORING OF TRANSMITTER BATTERY 4. 1. 8 DIVERSITY A B MENU Y N SET ESC MANIPULATION Choose the option to indicate the condition of the transmitter battery (see ch. 4. 1. 1) Depress SET FUNCTION The EM 1001 RX receiver module distinguishes between two types of power supply: If primary cells are used, the display indicates the remaining capacity in three steps. A 5-step display is used for rechargeable batteries. DISPLAY (RX) to select the display mode for the indication of the battery condition. NOTA BENE This function is only operative if SK 50, SK 250 or SKM 5000 transmitters are used. If you connect transmitters other than SK 50, SK 250 or SKM 5000, the display indicates Depress ESC CONDITION OF PRIMARY CELLS: Capacity of 100 % to return to the previous level. This key also serves to stop data entry in case of errors. Capacity of about 70 % Capacity of about 30 %, the display starts blinking. The remaining capacity only suffices for about half an hour! Publ. AB 1036): DC-A The switch on input module A is set to ON. The antenna booster is powered by the EM 1001 system. DC-B The switch on input module B is set to ON. The antenna booster is powered by the EM 1001 system. OL-A (Overload) The current across antenna socket A exceeds 150 mA!OL-B (Overload) The current across antenna socket B exceeds 150 mA!10/94 engl, A 02 40 REMOTE CONTROL 4. 2. 2 POWER + 12 V - 12 V +5V DC - A DC - B OL - A OL- B REMOTE + 20 dB + 20 dBu MANIPULATION LED DISPLAY FUNCTION The REMOTE switch serves to switch the EM 1001 system to remote control through the remote computer. In that case the 8th LED lights up. DISPLAY (RX) NOTA BENE The receiver module cannot be adjusted during remote operation. Depressing any key is prompted with the display reading. The AF monitor chain remains active (see ch. 10/94 engl, A 02 41 MONITOR HEADPHONES 4. 2. 3 POWER + 12 V - 12 V +5V DC - A DC - B OL - A OL- B REMOTE + 20 dB + 20 dBu MANIPULATION FUNCTION The monitor socket is suited to connect mono or stereo headphones with an impedance of about 50 to 300 . The rotary switch serves to adjust the volume. [. . . ] 5 k (option: symétrique, impéd. < 0, 5 %) 40 Hz - 20 kHz HIDYN plus® (commutable de l'intérieur) Sorties BF commutables (tension d'entrée H. F) 0 à 100 µV 1, 5 µV (typ. / 100 dB CCIR crête 1 µV 76 dB 66 dB 100 dB 85 dB 100 dB - 80 dBm à l'entrée H. F. 2 x douilles type <<N>> Jack 6, 3 mm, max. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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