Bedienungsanleitung SHARP F-1500M

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Mode d'emploi SHARP F-1500M
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung SHARP F-1500M

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[. . . ] Under no circumstances should the cut-off plug be inserted into a socket outlet as a serious electric shock may occur. If you are not sure how to do this, get help from a qualified electrician. IMPORTANT The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: GREEN-AND-YELLOW: Earth BLUE: Neutral BROWN: Live As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:The wire which is coloured GREEN-AND-YELLOW must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter E, or by the safety earth symbol or coloured green or green-and-yellow. The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black. The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red. This apparatus must be protected by a 13A fuse in the mains plug or distribution board. "WARNING: THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTHED" This equipment complies with the requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC. Dieses Gerät entspricht den Anforderungen der EU-Richtlinie 1999/5/EG. [. . . ] If it doesn't, your machine will automatically step down to the next best available setting. 48 Sending a Fax by Normal Dialling Sending a Fax by Normal Dialling With Normal Dialling, you pick up the handset (or press pressing the number keys. ) and dial by If a person answers, you can talk with them through the handset before sending the fax. (If you pressed talk. ) , you must pick up the handset to Normal Dialling allows you to listen to the line and make sure the other fax machine is responding. 1 Load the document(s). · If desired, press RESOLUTION/ RECEPTION MODE to set the resolution and/or contrast. READY TO SEND 2 Pick up the handset or press Listen for the dial tone. . or 3 Dial the number of the receiving machine by pressing the number keys. ABC DEF 1 GHI JKL 2 MNO 3 6 WXYZ · If you are on a Flash-type PBX and are dialing out, press R , wait for the connection to the outside line, and then dial the number. 4 PQRS TUV 5 8 0 SKIP 7 REPEAT 9 DELETE 49 3. Sending Faxes Sending a Fax by Normal Dialling 4 Wait for the connection. Depending on the setting of the receiving machine, you will either hear a fax tone or the other person will answer. · If the other party answers, ask them to press their Start key (if you pressed , pick up the handset to speak with them). This causes the receiving machine to issue a fax tone. 5 When you hear the fax tone, press START/MEMORY . Replace the handset. · If the transmission is completed successfully, the fax will beep once. · If an error occurs, the fax will beep three times and print a Transaction Report to inform you of the problem (see page 81). Note: If the transmission is unsuccessful and DOCUMENT JAMMED appears in the display, remove the document as explained on page 93. (This may occur if the other fax machine doesn't respond properly when you attempt to send the document. ) 50 Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialling Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialling You can store up to 40 fax or phone numbers in the machine for automatic dialling. Auto-dial numbers are dialled by pressing appears in the display, and then START/MEMORY until the desired number . 1 2 3 Press FUNCTION Display: once and once. <NEW NUMBER> Press once. ENTER FAX # Enter the fax or voice number by pressing the number keys. (Note: A space cannot be entered. ) · To clear a mistake, press . · If a pause is required between any of the digits to access a special service or an outside line, press FUNCTION . Several pauses can be entered in a row. · If you are on a Flash-type PBX and are storing a number for an outside line, press R , press FUNCTION to insert a pause, and then enter the fax or voice number. If the number of the receiving machine shown is correct, press START/MEMORY . STOP · If the number is not correct, press to backspace and clear one digit at a time, and then re-enter the correct digit(s). 55 3. Sending Faxes Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialling Redial You can automatically redial the last number dialled. This procedure can be used to send a fax or make a phone call. 1 If you are sending a fax, load the document(s). · If desired, press RESOLUTION/ RECEPTION MODE to set the resolution and/or contrast. READY TO SEND 2 Press once. <REDIAL> appears in the display, followed by the last number dialled. Make sure the number that appears is the number you wish to dial. START/MEMORY 3 If you are sending a fax, press begins. . Dialling and transmission If you are making a phone call, lift the handset. Note: If a fax transmission is unsuccessful and DOCUMENT JAMMED appears in the display, remove the document as explained on page 93. (This may occur if the other fax machine doesn't respond properly when you attempt to send the document. ) Automatic redialling If you use automatic dialling (including Direct Keypad Dialling) to send a fax and the line is busy, the fax machine will automatically redial the number. The fax machine will make three redial attempts at an interval of five minutes. During this time, RECALLING will appear in the display, followed by a two-digit number assigned to the fax job. You will not be able to dial any other locations while the message appears. 56 Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialling To stop automatic redialling, press STOP . Under certain conditions (for example if a person answers the call on a telephone), automatic redialling may stop before three redialling attempts are made. Error Correction Mode 3. [. . . ] TEL mode: Answer all calls (even faxes) by picking up the handset. To begin fax reception, press START/MEMORY . . TEL/FAX mode: The fax machine automatically answers and receives faxes. Voice calls are signalled by a special ringing sound. mode: Select this mode when you go out to receive both voice messages and faxes. Automatic Dialling 1. Press or until the desired destination appears in the display. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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