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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung SKODA CAR RADIO SYMPHONYFOR OCTAVIA TOUR

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[. . . ] Only use the functions of the radio in such a way that you are always in full control of your vehicle in all traffic situations! · · Note The code is stored in the instrument cluster. This ensures that it is automatically decoded (convenience coding). Manual input of the code is normally not necessary. If the unit and the ignition is switched off, a flashing LED indicates the effective anti-theft protection. Using the display Carefully handle the display because dents and scratches can occur through pressure of the finger or contact with sharp objects. [. . . ] PH VOL* Set the volume for the play function of the telephone calls. TA VOL Set the volume for the play function of the traffic announcements. CD SFL If you select CD SFL D, the tracks on a CD are replayed in random order. If you select CD SFL M, the tracks in the complete magazine of the external CD changer* are played in random order. KEY If you select KEY ON, the radio switches off after withdrawing the ignition key. If you 1 select KEY OFF, the radio can only be switched on or off with the control button A. LOUD In case of low volume level, the function reinforces the range of bass and treble frequencies. MONO When the reception is bad it switches over to mono operation. LOC If you select LOC ON, only stations with the strongest reception are considered during station finding. If you select LOC OFF, stations with weak reception are also considered during station finding. 5 Radio mode Waveband switch-over Your radio is fitted with the wavebands FM1/AM1 and FM2/AM2, in order to change, press the button A/F for some considerable time. The process of searching for and storing the radio stations Manual search ­ Set the frequency of the desired radio station by pressing the rocker switch or . Automatic station finding SEEK ­ The radio searches for the next radio station in the selected waveband by pressing the button or . Function SCAN ­ The radio stations of the current waveband are briefly played (for 10 seconds) by pressing the button SCN . ­ This function is ended by pressing the button SCN once again and the current station is replayed. 6 Radio Store station 7 ­ After selecting the radio station, hold one of the station keys A, on which it should be stored until it briefly switches to mute and a brief signal sounds. In the event of sufficiently satisfactory reception the suitable RDS radio stations will display the station name instead of the station frequency. If a radio station sends additional information via the RDS function while a station is being stored, it can occur that the name of the radio station is later displayed incorrectly in the memory list. Automatic station finding with storing the radio stations ­ Press the button AS . An automatic station finding is started during which the 6 stations with the strongest signal in the memory level FM2, TP or AM2 are stored. STORE is displayed on the display. 7 When storing the radio stations on the station keys A is finished, you can call up 7 the desired radio station by pressing a station key A. Traffic reports Activating and deactivating the traffic reports Press the button TP , TP appears in the display. If a set radio station does not transmit a traffic report, the radio searches for a station which transmits the traffic report. If no radio station which transmits the traffic reports is found, NO TP is shown on the display. An incoming traffic report automatically interrupts the CD play function or listening to a radio station, which at that moment is not transmitting a traffic report. INFO PRGNAME is displayed on the display. At the end of the traffic report, the radio automatically returns to the original play function. If you wish to deactivate the traffic information, press once again the button TP , TP goes out on the display. Note The stored radio stations are updated and stored once again by repetitively pressing the button AS . Radio text Certain radio stations transmit additional text information - designated as radio text. [. . . ] ­ In the mode of the integrated CD player, press the button CD , so that the play function of the external CD changer is activated. 7 ­ Select a CD with a station key A. NO CD is displayed for not assigned positions. Further displays on the display: WARNING · · The CD player is a 1st class laser product. There is a definite risk of injury from invisible laser beams if it is opened. The CD player contains no parts that have to be serviced or repaired. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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