Bedienungsanleitung YAMAHA CVP-7-CVP-5-CVP-3

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung YAMAHA CVP-7-CVP-5-CVP-3

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[. . . ] Do not attempt to play the disc on an audio CD player. Doing so may result in irreparable damage to your audio CD player. · Copying of the commercially available music data is strictly prohibited except for your personal use. · The company names and product names in this Installation Guide are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. [. . . ] If you wish to change the destination disk or folder, use the [Switch Disk] button and the pop-up menu to specify the desired destination. · This box usually displays the start-up disk as the destination. After restarting the Macintosh, you will find the "Opcode"/ "OMS Applications" folder on your computer (Hard Disk, as the default). 5 4 5 Copy the "OMS_***_Mac. pdf" in the CD-ROM to the "OMS Applications" folder (drag-and-drop it to the folder). Refer to the "OMS_***_Mac. pdf" (English version only) how to use the application. Copy the "OMS Setup for YAMAHA" in the CD-ROM to the "OMS Applications" folder (drag-and-drop it to the folder). In the "OMS Setup for YAMAHA" folder you will find the OMS Setup files for the Yamaha tone generators, which can be used as templates. Click the [Install] button. The system displays the following message: "This installation requires your computer to restart after installing this software. Click Continue to automatically quit all other running applications. " Click [Continue]. · To cancel the installation, click [Cancel]. 6 Acrobat Reader/File Utility/YAMAHA USB MIDI Driver INSTALLATION GUIDE For Macintosh Users 6 The installation starts. If the driver has already been installed, the following message appears. To complete the installation, click [Quit]. Setting up OMS The OMS studio setup file for the MIDI instrument is contained in the included CD-ROM. This studio setup file is used for setting up OMS. · Before performing the following procedure, the OMS and USB MIDI Driver should be installed (see page 6). 1 7 When the installation is complete, the system displays the following message: "Installation was successful. You have installed software which requires you to restart your computer. " Click [Restart]. You can locate the installed files in the following locations: · [System Folder] [Control Panels] [YAMAHA USB MIDI Patch] · [System Folder] [Extensions] [USB YAMAHA MIDI Driver] · [System Folder] [OMS Folder] [YAMAHA USB MIDI OMS Driver] Use a USB cable to connect the USB terminal of the computer (or the USB hub) to the USB terminal of the MIDI instrument and turn the MIDI instrument' power on. From the "Studio" menu, choose "Test, " and click the port icon. If a channel sounds on the MIDI instrument, the system is operating correctly. For details on using OMS, refer to "OMS_***_Mac. pdf, " included with OMS. 8 Acrobat Reader/File Utility/YAMAHA USB MIDI Driver INSTALLATION GUIDE Troubleshooting The driver cannot be installed. · Is the USB cable connected correctly? Disconnect the USB cable, then connect it again. Windows · Is the USB function enabled on your computer? When you connect the MIDI instrument to the computer for the first time, if the "Add New Hardware Wizard" does not appear, the USB function on the computer may be disabled (see pages 3, 4). Select [Control Panel] [System] [Device 1 (for Windows 98/Me), or select [Control Panel] Manager] (Windows XP: Classic View) [System] [Hardware] [Device Manager] (for Windows 2000/XP). · Are you using the latest USB MIDI driver? The latest driver can be downloaded from the following web site. http://www. yamahasynth. com/ Playback response is delayed. · Does your computer satisfy the system requirements? [. . . ] GARANTIE PRODUIT Si, dans des conditions normales d'utilisation, le LOGICIEL ne remplit pas les fonctions décrites dans le manuel fourni, Yamaha s'engage visà-vis de l'acheteur original à remplacer gratuitement, sur la base d'un échange, tout support reconnu défectueux par suite d'un défaut de matière première ou d'un vice de fabrication. Ceci constitue le seul recours opposable à Yamaha. Hormis dans les cas expressément énoncés plus haut, le LOGICIEL est livré « en l'état » et toute autre garantie expresse ou implicite le concernant, y compris, de manière non limitative, toute garantie implicite de qualité marchande et d'adéquation à un usage particulier, est exclue. 5. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE Votre unique recours et la seule responsabilité de Yamaha sont tels qu'énoncés précédemment. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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