Bedienungsanleitung YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC

DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter… VERGESSEN SIE NICHT DIE BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG VOR DEM KAUF ZU LESEN!!!
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Falls dieses Dokument mit den von Ihnen gesuchten Bedienungsanleitungen, Handbüchern, Ausstattungen und Form übereinstimmt, laden Sie es jetzt herunter. Lastmanuals ermöglicht Ihnen einen schnellen und einfachen Zugang zum YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC Benutzerhandbuch Wir hoffen die YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC Bedienungsanleitung ist hilfreich für Sie.

DieBedienungsAnleitung-Hilfe zum Download von YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC.

Mode d'emploi YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC

Sie können sich auch noch diese Handbücher, die sich auf Ihr Produkt beziehen, herunterladen:

   YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC annexe 1 (509 ko)
   YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC (2803 ko)
   YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC annexe 1 (351 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung YAMAHA PLG150-DR-PLG150-PC

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Vorsichtsmaßnahmen q Legen Sie die Platine niemals in das direkte Sonnenlicht oder an extrem feuchte, warme oder staubige Orte. Meiden Sie außerdem starke Vibrationen. q Vor Berühren der Platine sollten Sie einen Metallgegenstand anfassen, um etwaige statische Elektrizität in Ihrem Körper abzuleiten. q Berühren Sie niemals die Lötbahnen und Gegenstände der Platine. [. . . ] Example : A BAA /Prc Refers to the keys C3 and higher. Percussion sounds are mapped to these keys. Prc Kk Sn1 Sn2 Tom Hat Cym : Percussion : Kicks : Snares1 : Snares2 : Tom-toms : Hi-Hats : Cymbals Tom (from LiveRm A) Hi-hat (from LiveRm A) Snare (from LiveRm B) Kick (from LiveRm A) 37 Voice List DR Instrument Map Program No. Kit Name Note# Note 13 C# -1 14 D -1 15 D# -1 16 E -1 17 F -1 18 F# -1 19 G -1 20 G# -1 21 A -1 22 A# -1 23 B -1 24 C 0 25 C# 0 26 D 0 27 D# 0 28 E 0 29 F 0 30 F# 0 31 G 0 32 G# 0 33 A 0 34 A# 0 35 B 0 36 C 1 37 C# 1 38 D 1 39 D# 1 40 E 1 41 F 1 42 F# 1 43 G 1 44 G# 1 45 A 1 46 A# 1 47 B 1 48 C 2 49 C# 2 50 D 2 51 D# 2 52 E 2 53 F 2 54 F# 2 55 G 2 56 G# 2 57 A 2 58 A# 2 59 B 2 60 C 3 61 C# 3 62 D 3 63 D# 3 64 E 3 65 F 3 66 F# 3 67 G 3 68 G# 3 69 A 3 70 A# 3 71 B 3 72 C 4 73 C# 4 74 D 4 75 D# 4 76 E 4 77 F 4 78 F# 4 79 G 4 80 G# 4 81 A 4 82 A# 4 83 B 4 84 C 5 85 C# 5 86 D 5 87 D# 5 88 E 5 89 F 5 90 F# 5 91 G 5 92 G# 5 93 A 5 94 A# 5 95 B 5 96 C 6 97 C# 6 98 D 6 99 D# 6 100 E 6 101 F 6 65 AAAA/Kk* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 1 Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 1 Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant 1 Tom Power Lo Hat Open Brilliant 1 Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Kick Power Dry Hi Kick Power Dry Lo Kick Funk Kick Dry Sw Kick Dry mf Kick Dry ff Kick Funk Hard Sw Kick Funk Hard mf Kick Funk Hard ff Kick Dry Hi Kick Rock1 Kick Rock2 Kick Dry Hi Heavy Kick Dry Heavy Sw Kick Dry Heavy mf Kick Dry Heavy ff Kick Dry ff Kick Power Dry Lo Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Kick18x22" Maple Dry mp Kick18x22" Maple Dry mf Kick18x22" Maple Dry ff Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Dry mp Kick 14x22" Maple Dry mf Kick 14x22" Maple Dry ff Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Kick18x22" Maple Room mp Kick18x22" Maple Room mf Kick18x22" Maple Room ff Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room mp Kick 14x22" Maple Room mf Kick 14x22" Maple Room ff Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick16x20" Maple Room mp Kick16x20" Maple Room mf Kick16x20" Maple Room ff Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x18" Birch Room mp Kick 14x18" Birch Room mf Kick 14x18" Birch Room ff K I MSB=79, LSB=0 66 ABAA/Sn1* Inst Name Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap on Brush Swirl Brush Slap on Brush Tap Swirl on Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap on Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant Tom Power Lo Hat Open Brilliant Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Snare Power Dry Hi Sw Snare Power Dry Hi p Snare Power Dry Hi mp Snare Power Dry Hi mf Snare Power Dry Hi ff Snare Power Dry Lo Sw Snare Power Dry Lo p Snare Power Dry Lo mp Snare Power Dry Lo mf Snare Power Dry Lo ff Snare Dry Hi Sw Snare Dry Hi mp-mf Sw Snare Dry Hi mf-ff Sw Snare Dry Hi mp Snare Dry Hi mf Snare Dry Hi ff Snare Dry Lo Sw Snare Dry Lo p Snare Dry Lo mp Snare Dry Lo mf Snare Dry Lo ff Snare Rock Mute1 Snare Rock Open1 Snare Rock Rim1 Snare Rock Open1 Dry Snare Rock Mute2 Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf A 3 3 K I 67 AABA/Sn2* Inst Name Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy Tom Power Lo Hat Open Heavy Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Snare Brass Piccolo p Snare Brass Piccolo mp Snare Brass Piccolo mf Snare Brass Piccolo ff Snare Brass Attack Sw Snare Brass Attack p Snare Brass Attack mp Snare Brass Attack mf Snare Brass Attack ff Snare Loose Snap Sw Snare Loose Snap p Snare Loose Snap mp Snare Loose Snap mf Snare Loose Snap ff Snare Brass Rock Sw Snare Brass Rock p Snare Brass Rock mp Snare Brass Rock mf Snare Brass Rock ff Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Snare Roll Hard Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf A 3 3 K I 68 AAAB/Tom* Inst Name Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Brilliant Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Tom Dry1 Lo Floor Tom Dry1 Hi Floor Tom Dry1 Lo Tom Dry1 Lo-Mid Tom Dry1 Hi-Mid Tom Dry1 Hi Tom Dry2 Lo Floor Tom Dry2 Hi Floor Tom Dry2 Lo Tom Dry2 Lo-Mid Tom Dry2 Hi-Mid Tom Dry2 Hi Tom Rock Lo Floor Tom Rock Hi Floor Tom Rock Lo Tom Rock Lo-Mid Tom Rock Hi-Mid Tom Rock Hi Tom Power Lo Floor Tom Power Hi Floor Tom Power Lo Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Tom Power Hi Tom Smooth Lo Floor Tom Smooth Hi Floor Tom Smooth Lo Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Tom Smooth Hi A 3 3 69 ABBA/Hat* Inst Name Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap on Brush Swirl Brush Slap on Brush Tap Swirl on Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap on Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy Tom Power Lo Hat Open Heavy Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Hat Closed Power Hat 1/2 Power Hat Open Power Hat Closed Dry Sw Hat Closed Dry p Hat Closed Dry mp Hat Closed Dry mf Hat Closed Dry ff Hat Pedal Dry Hat Open Dry Hat Closed Rock1 Sw Hat Closed-Pedal Rock1 Sw Hat Open Rock1 Sw Hat 1/2 Rock2 Hat Closed Brilliant Sw Hat Closed Brilliant mf Hat Closed Brilliant ff Hat Pedal Brilliant Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw Hat 1/4 Brilliant Hat 1/2 Brilliant Hat Open Brilliant Hat Closed Heavy Sw Hat Closed Heavy mf Hat Closed Heavy ff Hat Pedal Heavy Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw Hat 1/4 Heavy Hat 1/2 Heavy Hat Open Heavy K I A 7 7 K I 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 on on on 1 on on on 1 on on on 1 1 on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 on on on on on on on on on 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound * These kits have been created by combining the Kick, Snare, Hi-hat and Tom sounds of the LiveRmA and LiveRmB voices. Example : A BAA /Prc Refers to the keys C3 and higher. Percussion sounds are mapped to these keys. Prc Kk Sn1 Sn2 Tom Hat Cym : Percussion : Kicks : Snares1 : Snares2 : Tom-toms : Hi-Hats : Cymbals Tom (from LiveRm A) Hi-hat (from LiveRm A) Snare (from LiveRm B) Kick (from LiveRm A) 38 Voice List 70 AABB/Cym* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw 1 Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw 1 Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy 1 Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Heavy 1 Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Crash Cymbal Crash Cymbal Rock1 Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Crash Cymbal 14" Crash Cymbal R/L Splash Cymbal Splash Cymbal 10" China Cymbal China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Ride Cymbal Cup Ride Cymbal 21" Sw Ride Cymbal 21" mp Ride Cymbal 21" mf Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Ride Cymbal 22" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Ride Cymbal R/L Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Ride Cymbal 22" R/L 71 ABAB/Sn1* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap on Brush Swirl Brush Slap on Brush Tap Swirl on Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 1 Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap on Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 1 Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant 1 Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Brilliant 1 Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Snare Power Dry Hi Sw Snare Power Dry Hi p Snare Power Dry Hi mp Snare Power Dry Hi mf Snare Power Dry Hi ff Snare Power Dry Lo Sw Snare Power Dry Lo p Snare Power Dry Lo mp Snare Power Dry Lo mf Snare Power Dry Lo ff Snare Dry Hi Sw Snare Dry Hi mp-mf Sw Snare Dry Hi mf-ff Sw Snare Dry Hi mp Snare Dry Hi mf Snare Dry Hi ff Snare Dry Lo Sw Snare Dry Lo p Snare Dry Lo mp Snare Dry Lo mf Snare Dry Lo ff Snare Rock Mute1 Snare Rock Open1 Snare Rock Rim1 Snare Rock Open1 Dry Snare Rock Mute2 Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf K I K I on on on 72 ABBB/Sn2* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw 1 Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw 1 Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy 1 Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Heavy 1 Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 21" Sw China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 22" R/L Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Snare Brass Piccolo p Snare Brass Piccolo mp Snare Brass Piccolo mf Snare Brass Piccolo ff Snare Brass Attack Sw Snare Brass Attack p Snare Brass Attack mp Snare Brass Attack mf Snare Brass Attack ff Snare Loose Snap Sw Snare Loose Snap p Snare Loose Snap mp Snare Loose Snap mf Snare Loose Snap ff Snare Brass Rock Sw Snare Brass Rock p Snare Brass Rock mp Snare Brass Rock mf Snare Brass Rock ff Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Snare Roll Hard Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf K I on on on on on on on on on on on on 73 BBBB/Kk* Inst Name Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Heavy Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Kick Power Dry Hi Kick Power Dry Lo Kick Funk Kick Dry Sw Kick Dry mf Kick Dry ff Kick Funk Hard Sw Kick Funk Hard mf Kick Funk Hard ff Kick Dry Hi Kick Rock1 Kick Rock2 Kick Dry Hi Heavy Kick Dry Heavy Sw Kick Dry Heavy mf Kick Dry Heavy ff Kick Dry ff Kick Power Dry Lo Kick 18x22" Maple Dry Sw Kick18x22" Maple Dry mp Kick18x22" Maple Dry mf Kick18x22" Maple Dry ff Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Dry mp Kick 14x22" Maple Dry mf Kick 14x22" Maple Dry ff Kick 18x22" Maple Room Sw Kick18x22" Maple Room mp Kick18x22" Maple Room mf Kick18x22" Maple Room ff Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room mp Kick 14x22" Maple Room mf Kick 14x22" Maple Room ff Kick 16x20" Maple Room Sw Kick16x20" Maple Room mp Kick16x20" Maple Room mf Kick16x20" Maple Room ff Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x18" Birch Room mp Kick 14x18" Birch Room mf Kick 14x18" Birch Room ff A 3 3 K I 4 4 on on on 1 1 1 1 74 BABB/Sn1* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw 1 Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw 1 Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy 1 Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Heavy 1 Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Snare Power Dry Hi Sw Snare Power Dry Hi p Snare Power Dry Hi mp Snare Power Dry Hi mf Snare Power Dry Hi ff Snare Power Dry Lo Sw Snare Power Dry Lo p Snare Power Dry Lo mp Snare Power Dry Lo mf Snare Power Dry Lo ff Snare Dry Hi Sw Snare Dry Hi mp-mf Sw Snare Dry Hi mf-ff Sw Snare Dry Hi mp Snare Dry Hi mf Snare Dry Hi ff Snare Dry Lo Sw Snare Dry Lo p Snare Dry Lo mp Snare Dry Lo mf Snare Dry Lo ff Snare Rock Mute1 Snare Rock Open1 Snare Rock Rim1 Snare Rock Open1 Dry Snare Rock Mute2 Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf 75 BBAB/Sn2* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap on Brush Swirl Brush Slap on Brush Tap Swirl on Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 1 Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap on Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 1 Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant 1 Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Brilliant 1 Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Snare Brass Piccolo p Snare Brass Piccolo mp Snare Brass Piccolo mf Snare Brass Piccolo ff Snare Brass Attack Sw Snare Brass Attack p Snare Brass Attack mp Snare Brass Attack mf Snare Brass Attack ff Snare Loose Snap Sw Snare Loose Snap p Snare Loose Snap mp Snare Loose Snap mf Snare Loose Snap ff Snare Brass Rock Sw Snare Brass Rock p Snare Brass Rock mp Snare Brass Rock mf Snare Brass Rock ff Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Snare Roll Hard Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf K I K I on on on on on on on on on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound * These kits have been created by combining the Kick, Snare, Hi-hat and Tom sounds of the LiveRmA and LiveRmB voices. Example : A BAA /Prc Refers to the keys C3 and higher. Percussion sounds are mapped to these keys. Prc Kk Sn1 Sn2 Tom Hat Cym : Percussion : Kicks : Snares1 : Snares2 : Tom-toms : Hi-Hats : Cymbals Tom (from LiveRm A) Hi-hat (from LiveRm A) Snare (from LiveRm B) Kick (from LiveRm A) 39 Voice List DR Instrument Map Program No. Kit Name Note# Note 13 C# -1 14 D -1 15 D# -1 16 E -1 17 F -1 18 F# -1 19 G -1 20 G# -1 21 A -1 22 A# -1 23 B -1 24 C 0 25 C# 0 26 D 0 27 D# 0 28 E 0 29 F 0 30 F# 0 31 G 0 32 G# 0 33 A 0 34 A# 0 35 B 0 36 C 1 37 C# 1 38 D 1 39 D# 1 40 E 1 41 F 1 42 F# 1 43 G 1 44 G# 1 45 A 1 46 A# 1 47 B 1 48 C 2 49 C# 2 50 D 2 51 D# 2 52 E 2 53 F 2 54 F# 2 55 G 2 56 G# 2 57 A 2 58 A# 2 59 B 2 60 C 3 61 C# 3 62 D 3 63 D# 3 64 E 3 65 F 3 66 F# 3 67 G 3 68 G# 3 69 A 3 70 A# 3 71 B 3 72 C 4 73 C# 4 74 D 4 75 D# 4 76 E 4 77 F 4 78 F# 4 79 G 4 80 G# 4 81 A 4 82 A# 4 83 B 4 84 C 5 85 C# 5 86 D 5 87 D# 5 88 E 5 89 F 5 90 F# 5 91 G 5 92 G# 5 93 A 5 94 A# 5 95 B 5 96 C 6 97 C# 6 98 D 6 99 D# 6 100 E 6 101 F 6 76 BBBA/Tom* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw 1 Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw 1 Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy 1 Tom Power Lo Hat Open Heavy 1 Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Tom Dry1 Lo Floor Tom Dry1 Hi Floor Tom Dry1 Lo Tom Dry1 Lo-Mid Tom Dry1 Hi-Mid Tom Dry1 Hi Tom Dry2 Lo Floor Tom Dry2 Hi Floor Tom Dry2 Lo Tom Dry2 Lo-Mid Tom Dry2 Hi-Mid Tom Dry2 Hi Tom Rock Lo Floor Tom Rock Hi Floor Tom Rock Lo Tom Rock Lo-Mid Tom Rock Hi-Mid Tom Rock Hi Tom Power Lo Floor Tom Power Hi Floor Tom Power Lo Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Tom Power Hi Tom Smooth Lo Floor Tom Smooth Hi Floor Tom Smooth Lo Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Tom Smooth Hi K I MSB=79, LSB=0 77 BAAB/Hat* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 7 Surdo Open 7 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 8 Scratch L 8 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 1 Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Smooth Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 1 Tom Smooth Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant 1 Tom Smooth Lo Hat Open Brilliant 1 Tom Smooth Lo-Mid Tom Smooth Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Smooth Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Hat Closed Power 2 Hat 1/2 Power 2 Hat Open Power 2 Hat Closed Dry Sw 3 Hat Closed Dry p 3 Hat Closed Dry mp 3 Hat Closed Dry mf 3 Hat Closed Dry ff 3 Hat Pedal Dry 3 Hat Open Dry 3 Hat Closed Rock1 Sw 4 Hat Closed-Pedal Rock1 Sw 4 Hat Open Rock1 Sw 4 Hat 1/2 Rock2 4 Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 5 Hat Closed Brilliant mf 5 Hat Closed Brilliant ff 5 Hat Pedal Brilliant 5 Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 5 Hat 1/4 Brilliant 5 Hat 1/2 Brilliant 5 Hat Open Brilliant 5 Hat Closed Heavy Sw 6 Hat Closed Heavy mf 6 Hat Closed Heavy ff 6 Hat Pedal Heavy 6 Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw 6 Hat 1/4 Heavy 6 Hat 1/2 Heavy 6 Hat Open Heavy 6 78 BBAA/Cym* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap on Brush Swirl Brush Slap on Brush Tap Swirl on Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 1 Snare Loose Snap Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Rock Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Snare Loose Snap Sw Hand Clap on Snare Brass Rock Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 1 Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant 1 Tom Power Lo Hat Open Brilliant 1 Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Crash Cymbal Crash Cymbal Rock1 Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Crash Cymbal 14" Crash Cymbal R/L Splash Cymbal Splash Cymbal 10" China Cymbal China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Ride Cymbal Cup Ride Cymbal 21" Sw Ride Cymbal 21" mp Ride Cymbal 21" mf Ride Cymbal Cup 21" Ride Cymbal 22" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Ride Cymbal R/L Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Ride Cymbal 22" R/L K I K I 79 BABA/Sn1* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Heavy Sw 1 Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Heavy Sw 1 Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Heavy 1 Tom Power Lo Hat Open Heavy 1 Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Snare Power Dry Hi Sw Snare Power Dry Hi p Snare Power Dry Hi mp Snare Power Dry Hi mf Snare Power Dry Hi ff Snare Power Dry Lo Sw Snare Power Dry Lo p Snare Power Dry Lo mp Snare Power Dry Lo mf Snare Power Dry Lo ff Snare Dry Hi Sw Snare Dry Hi mp-mf Sw Snare Dry Hi mf-ff Sw Snare Dry Hi mp Snare Dry Hi mf Snare Dry Hi ff Snare Dry Lo Sw Snare Dry Lo p Snare Dry Lo mp Snare Dry Lo mf Snare Dry Lo ff Snare Rock Mute1 Snare Rock Open1 Snare Rock Rim1 Snare Rock Open1 Dry Snare Rock Mute2 Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf 80 BAAA/Sn2* Inst Name A Surdo Mute 3 Surdo Open 3 Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H 4 Scratch L 4 Finger Snap Click Noise Metronome Click Metronome Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap on Brush Swirl Brush Slap on Brush Tap Swirl on Snare Roll Rock Hat 1/4-1/2 Brilliant Sw 1 Snare Brass Piccolo Soft Sticks Kick 14x22" Maple Dry Sw Snare Brass Attack Rim Kick 14x18" Birch Room Sw Kick 14x22" Maple Room Sw Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Hand Clap on Snare Brass Attack Sw Tom Power Lo Floor Hat Closed Brilliant Sw 1 Tom Power Hi Floor Hat Pedal Brilliant 1 Tom Power Lo Hat Open Brilliant 1 Tom Power Lo-Mid Tom Power Hi-Mid Crash Cymbal 17" Thin Tom Power Hi Ride Cymbal 22" China Cymbal 17" Ride Cymbal Cup 22" Tambourine Splash Cymbal 10" Cowbell Crash Cymbal 14" Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 21" R/L Snare Brass Piccolo Sw Snare Brass Piccolo p Snare Brass Piccolo mp Snare Brass Piccolo mf Snare Brass Piccolo ff Snare Brass Attack Sw Snare Brass Attack p Snare Brass Attack mp Snare Brass Attack mf Snare Brass Attack ff Snare Loose Snap Sw Snare Loose Snap p Snare Loose Snap mp Snare Loose Snap mf Snare Loose Snap ff Snare Brass Rock Sw Snare Brass Rock p Snare Brass Rock mp Snare Brass Rock mf Snare Brass Rock ff Snare Rock Open2 Snare Rock Rim2 Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap Brush Tap Swirl Snare Roll Snare Roll Hard Sidestick Dry Sidestick Rock1 Sidestick Rock2 Sidestick Wood Knock Sw Sidestick Wood Knock mp Sidestick Wood Knock mf Sidestick Metal Knock Sw Sidestick Metal Knock mp Sidestick Metal Knock mf K I K I on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound * These kits have been created by combining the Kick, Snare, Hi-hat and Tom sounds of the LiveRmA and LiveRmB voices. Example : A BAA /Prc Refers to the keys C3 and higher. Percussion sounds are mapped to these keys. Prc Kk Sn1 Sn2 Tom Hat Cym : Percussion : Kicks : Snares1 : Snares2 : Tom-toms : Hi-Hats : Cymbals Tom (from LiveRm A) Hi-hat (from LiveRm A) Snare (from LiveRm B) Kick (from LiveRm A) 40 Voice List I PC Instrument Map Program No. Kit Name Note# Note A 13 C# -1 3 14 D -1 3 15 D# -1 16 E -1 17 F -1 18 F# -1 19 G -1 20 G# -1 21 A -1 22 A# -1 23 B -1 24 C 0 25 C# 0 26 D 0 27 D# 0 28 E 0 29 F 0 30 F# 0 31 G 0 32 G# 0 33 A 0 34 A# 0 35 B 0 36 C 1 37 C# 1 38 D 1 39 D# 1 40 E 1 41 F 1 42 F# 1 43 G 1 44 G# 1 45 A 1 46 A# 1 47 B 1 48 C 2 49 C# 2 50 D 2 51 D# 2 52 E 2 53 F 2 54 F# 2 55 G 2 56 G# 2 57 A 2 58 A# 2 59 B 2 60 C 3 61 C# 3 62 D 3 63 D# 3 64 E 3 65 F 3 66 F# 3 67 G 3 68 G# 3 69 A 3 70 A# 3 71 B 3 72 C 4 73 C# 4 74 D 4 75 D# 4 76 E 4 77 F 4 78 F# 4 79 G 4 80 G# 4 2 81 A 42 82 A# 4 83 B 4 84 C 5 85 C# 5 86 D 5 87 D# 5 88 E 5 89 F 5 90 F# 5 91 G 5 92 G# 5 93 A 5 94 A# 5 95 B 5 96 C 6 97 C# 6 98 D 6 99 D# 6 100 E 6 101 F 6 102 F# 6 103 G 6 104 G# 6 105 A 6 106 A# 6 107 B 6 108 C 7 1 Afro Cubn Inst Name K I 2 Brazil Inst Name K MSB=79, LSB=1 I 3 MotifLtn Inst Name K I 4 GM Perc Inst Name K I 5 AfrCbn61 Inst Name K I 6 Brazil61 Inst Name K I 7 AC-PlgDR Inst Name K I TumbaB Sw TumbaT Sw TumbaSC Sw TumbaM TumbaO Sw CongaB Sw CongaT Sw CongaOS Sw CongaM CongaO Sw CongaStick QuintoR Sw QuintoB QuintoT QuintoS Sw QuintoM QuintoO Sw BongoL Sw BongoH1 Sw BongoH2 Sw TimbaleL1 Sw TimbaleLE TimbaleL2 Sw TimbaleLM PailaL Sw TimbaleH1 Sw PailaH Sw TimbaleH2 Sw TimbaleHR Sw TimbaleHE Sw TimbaleF1 TimbaleF2 TimbaleF3 TimbaleF4 HandBellMO Sw HandBellMM Sw HandBellSO Sw HandBellSM Sw HandBellC Sw MamboBell Sw ChaChaBell Sw SongoBellH Sw SongoBellL Sw FunkBell1 FunkBell2 WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw ChekereS1 Sw ChekereS2 Sw ChekereS3 Sw ChekereST ChekereL ChekereLT Maracas1 Sw Maracas2 Sw Guiro1 Sw Guiro2 Sw Guiro3 Sw Guiro4 Sw Claves1 Sw Claves2 Sw Guira1 Guira2 Guira3 Guira4 on on on on SurdoL1 Sw SurdoL2 Sw SurdoLLH Sw SurdoLRM SurdoLRO SurdoM1 Sw SurdoM2 Sw SurdoMLH Sw SurdoMRM SurdoMRO SurdoH1 Sw SurdoH2 Sw SurdoHLH Sw SurdoHRM SurdoHRO RepiniqueL1 Sw RepiniqueL2 Sw RepiniqueL3 Sw RepiniqueL4 Sw RepiniqueL5 Sw RepiniqueL6 Sw RepiniqueL7 RepiniqueL8 RepiniqueL9 RepiniqueH1 Sw RepiniqueH2 Sw RepiniqueH3 Sw RepiniqueH4 Sw RepiniqueH5 Sw RepiniqueH6 Sw Pandeiro1 Sw Pandeiro2 Sw Pandeiro3 Sw Pandeiro4 Sw Pandeiro5 Sw Pandeiro6 Pandeiro7 Caixa1 Sw Caixa2 Sw Caixa3 Sw Caixa4 Sw TamborimT Sw Tamborim1 Sw Tamborim2 Sw Tamborim3 Sw Tamborim4 Sw Tamborim5 Sw Tamborim6 Sw Agogo1 Sw Agogo2 Sw Agogo3 Sw FunkBell1 FunkBell2 WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw TriangleL1 Sw TriangleL2 Sw TriangleS1 Sw TriangleS2 Sw Shaker1 Sw Shaker2 Sw Shaker3 Sw CabassaL1 Sw CabassaL2 Sw CabassaL3 Sw CabassaL4 CabassaL5 CaxixiL1 Sw CaxixiL2 Sw CaxixiL3 Sw CaxixiS1 Sw CaxixiS2 Sw Cuica1 Cuica2 Cuica3 Cuica4 Cuica5 Cuica6 Cuica7 Whistle1 Whistle2 Whistle3 Whistle4 Whistle5 Whistle6 on on GMClick on on on on TumbaB Sw TumbaT Sw TumbaSC Sw Claves2 Sw TumbaO Sw CongaB Sw CongaT Sw CongaOS Sw HandBellMO Sw CongaO Sw HandBellSM Sw MamboBell Sw QuintoB QuintoT QuintoS Sw ChaChaBell Sw QuintoO Sw BongoL Sw BongoH1 Sw BongoH2 Sw TimbaleL3 PailaL Sw TimbaleH3 PailaH Sw WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw ChekereS1 Sw ChekereS3 Sw ChekereST Maracas1 Sw Maracas2 Sw Guiro1 Sw Guiro3 Sw Guiro4 Sw SurdoL2 Sw SurdoL1 Sw Pandeiro3 Sw Pandeiro2 Sw Pandeiro4 Sw Pandeiro1 Sw TamborimT Sw Tamborim2 Sw Tamborim1 Sw Agogo1 Sw Agogo2 Sw Agogo3 Sw TriangleS1 Sw TriangleS2 Sw Shaker1 Sw Shaker2 Sw Shaker3 Sw CabassaL1 Sw CabassaL3 Sw CaxixiS2 Sw CaxixiL1 Sw Cuica3 Cuica6 Whistle3 Whistle7 TumbaB Sw TumbaT Sw TumbaSC Sw TumbaM TumbaO Sw CongaB Sw CongaT Sw CongaOS Sw CongaM CongaO Sw CongaStick QuintoR Sw QuintoB QuintoT QuintoS Sw QuintoM QuintoO Sw BongoL Sw BongoH1 Sw BongoH2 Sw TimbaleL1 Sw TimbaleLE TimbaleL2 Sw TimbaleLM PailaL Sw TimbaleH1 Sw PailaH Sw TimbaleH2 Sw TimbaleHR Sw TimbaleHE Sw TimbaleF1 Guira1 Guira2 Guira5 HandBellMO Sw HandBellMM Sw HandBellSO Sw HandBellSM Sw HandBellC Sw MamboBell Sw ChaChaBell Sw SongoBellH Sw SongoBellL Sw FunkBell1 FunkBell2 WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw ChekereS1 Sw ChekereS2 Sw ChekereS3 Sw ChekereST ChekereL ChekereLT Maracas1 Sw Maracas2 Sw Guiro1 Sw Guiro2 Sw Guiro3 Sw Guiro4 Sw Claves1 Sw Claves2 Sw SurdoL1 Sw SurdoL2 Sw SurdoM1 Sw SurdoM2 Sw SurdoH1 Sw SurdoH2 Sw RepiniqueL1 Sw RepiniqueL2 Sw RepiniqueL3 Sw RepiniqueL4 Sw RepiniqueL5 Sw RepiniqueL6 Sw RepiniqueL10 RepiniqueH1 Sw RepiniqueH2 Sw RepiniqueH3 Sw RepiniqueH4 Sw RepiniqueH5 Sw RepiniqueH6 Sw Pandeiro1 Sw Pandeiro2 Sw Pandeiro3 Sw Pandeiro4 Sw Pandeiro5 Sw Caixa5 Caixa2 Sw Caixa4 Sw TamborimT Sw Tamborim1 Sw Tamborim2 Sw Tamborim3 Sw Tamborim4 Sw Tamborim5 Sw Tamborim6 Sw Agogo1 Sw Agogo2 Sw Agogo3 Sw FunkBell1 FunkBell2 WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw TriangleL1 Sw TriangleL2 Sw TriangleS1 Sw TriangleS2 Sw Shaker1 Sw Shaker2 Sw Shaker3 Sw CabassaL1 Sw CabassaL2 Sw CabassaL3 Sw CaxixiL1 Sw CaxixiL2 Sw CaxixiL3 Sw CaxixiS1 Sw CaxixiS2 Sw Cuica3 Cuica6 Whistle1 Whistle2 Whistle3 on on on on on on on on on on GMCowbell on on on on on on on on on GMBongoH GMBongoL GMCongaHMute GMCongaHOpen GMCongaL GMTimbaleH GMTimbaleL GMAgogoH GMAgogoL GMCabassa GMMaracas GMWhistleH GMWhistleL GMGuiroShort GMGuiroLong GMClaves GMWoodBlockH GMWoodBlockL GMCuicaMute GMCuicaOpen GMTriangleMute GMTriangleOpen GMShaker on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on TumbaB Sw TumbaT Sw TumbaSC Sw TumbaM TumbaO Sw CongaB Sw CongaT Sw CongaOS Sw CongaM CongaO Sw WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw QuintoB QuintoT QuintoS Sw QuintoM QuintoO Sw BongoL Sw BongoH1 Sw BongoH2 Sw TimbaleL3 TimbaleH3 PailaL Sw PailaH Sw HandBellMO Sw HandBellSM Sw MamboBell Sw ChaChaBell Sw SongoBellH Sw SongoBellL Sw Maracas1 Sw Maracas2 Sw Guiro1 Sw on Guiro2 Sw on Guiro3 Sw Guiro4 Sw Claves2 Sw on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound * The Alternate Group settings have been programmed only for the kits listed below. Pgm# 4 GMPerc, Pgm#10 GMLtnDr, Pgm#23 DlyGMPrc, Pgm#24 DlyGMltn, Pgm#29 ODGMLtn, Pgm#33 Dst1GMLt, Pgm#37 Dst2GMLtn, Pgm#64 RvbGMPc, Pgm#69 RvbGMLtn None of the other kits (excepting those above) have Alternate Group settings. 41 Voice List PC Instrument Map Program No. Kit Name Note# Note A 13 C# -1 3 14 D -1 3 15 D# -1 16 E -1 17 F -1 18 F# -1 19 G -1 20 G# -1 21 A -1 22 A# -1 23 B -1 24 C 0 25 C# 0 26 D 0 27 D# 0 28 E 0 29 F 0 30 F# 0 31 G 0 32 G# 0 33 A 0 34 A# 0 35 B 0 36 C 1 37 C# 1 38 D 1 39 D# 1 40 E 1 41 F 1 42 F# 1 43 G 1 44 G# 1 45 A 1 46 A# 1 47 B 1 48 C 2 49 C# 2 50 D 2 51 D# 2 52 E 2 53 F 2 54 F# 2 55 G 2 56 G# 2 57 A 2 58 A# 2 59 B 2 60 C 3 61 C# 3 62 D 3 63 D# 3 64 E 3 65 F 3 66 F# 3 67 G 3 68 G# 3 69 A 3 70 A# 3 71 B 3 72 C 4 73 C# 4 74 D 4 75 D# 4 76 E 4 77 F 4 78 F# 4 79 G 4 80 G# 4 2 81 A 42 82 A# 4 83 B 4 84 C 5 85 C# 5 86 D 5 87 D# 5 88 E 5 89 F 5 90 F# 5 91 G 5 92 G# 5 93 A 5 94 A# 5 95 B 5 96 C 6 97 C# 6 98 D 6 99 D# 6 100 E 6 101 F 6 102 F# 6 103 G 6 104 G# 6 105 A 6 106 A# 6 107 B 6 108 C 7 8 Br-PlgDR Inst Name K I MSB=79, LSB=1 9 Lt-PlgDR Inst Name K I 10 GMLtnDrm Inst Name K GMSurdo1 on GMSurdo2 on GMCuica1 on GMTamborim1 GMCuica2 on GMCuica3 on GMCabassa1 on GMTamborim2 GMCaixa1 GMCaixa2 GMClaves1 GMClaves2 GMShaker1 GMShaker2 GMShaker3 GMShaker4 GMRepinique1 on GMClaves3 GMCaixa3 GMCaixa4 GMSurdo3 on GMCaixa5 GMSurdo4 on GMSurdo5 on GMRepinique2 GMCaixa6 GMRepinique3 on GMCaixa7 GMSurdo6 on GMAgogo1 GMSurdo7 on GMAgogo2 GMSurdo8 on GMAgogo3 GMSurdo9 on GMSurdo10 on GMTriangle1 on GMSurdo11 on GMMamboBell GMSongoBell1 GMHandBell1 GMPandeiro GMHandBell2 GMFunkBell GMTriangle2 on GMRepinique4 on GMSongoBell2 GMBongo1 GMBongo2 GMConga1 GMConga2 GMTumba GMTimbale1 GMTimbale2 GMAgogo4 GMAgogo5 GMCabassa2 on GMMaracas GMWhistle1 on GMWhistle2 on GMGuiro1 GMGuiro2 on GMClaves4 GMWoodBlock1 GMWoodBlock2 GMCuica4 on GMCuica5 on GMTriangle3 GMTriangle4 GMShaker5 GMCaxixi on GMCabassa3 on I 11 Live Pop Inst Name K I 12 Kick&Snr Inst Name K I 13 AfCbHand Inst Name K I 14 BrzlHnd1 Inst Name K I CongaT Sw CongaB Sw CongaO Sw CongaM CongaOS2 Sw CongaOS3 QuintoS Sw TumbaT Sw TumbaB Sw TumbaO Sw TumbaM TumbaSC2 Sw TumbaSC3 BongoH3 BongoH4 BongoH5 BongoH6 BongoH7 BongoH8 BongoL2 BongoL3 BongoL4 BongoH9 BongoH10 BongoL5 TimbaleL1 Sw TimbaleLM TimbaleL2 Sw TimbaleLE TimbaleF5 PailaL Sw TimbaleH4 Sw TimbaleLM TimbaleHR Sw TimbaleLE TimbaleF2 PailaH Sw HandBellMO Sw MamboBell Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw WoodBlockLarge Sw Guiro3 Sw Guiro1 Sw on Claves2 Sw MenuSurdoL1 MenuSurdoL2 MenuSurdoL3 MenuSurdoL4 MenuSurdoLLH1 MenuSurdoLLH2 MenuSurdoLRM MenuSurdoLRO MenuSurdoM1 MenuSurdoM2 MenuSurdoM3 MenuSurdoM4 MenuSurdoMLH1 MenuSurdoMLH2 MenuSurdoMRM MenuSurdoMRO MenuSurdoH1 MenuSurdoH2 MenuSurdoH3 MenuSurdoH4 MenuSurdoHLH1 MenuSurdoHLH2 MenuSurdoHRM MenuSurdoHRO MenuCaixa1 MenuCaixa2 MenuCaixa3 MenuCaixa4 MenuCaixa5 MenuCaixa6 MenuCaixa7 MenuCaixa8 MenuCaixa9 MenuCaixa10 MenuCaixa11 MenuCaixa12 on on on on MenuHandBellMO1 MenuHandBellMO2 MenuHandBellMM1 MenuHandBellMM2 MenuHandBellSO1 MenuHandBellSO2 MenuHandBellSM1 MenuHandBellSM2 MenuHandBellSM3 MenuHandBellC1 MenuHandBellC2 MenuMamboBell1 MenuMamboBell2 MenuMamboBell3 MenuChaChaBellL1 MenuChaChaBellL2 MenuSongoBellH1 MenuSongoBellH2 MenuSongoBellL1 MenuSongoBellL2 MenuFunkBell1 MenuFunkBell2 MenuWdBlkLarge1 MenuWdBlkLarge2 MenuWdBlkSmall1 MenuWdBlkSmall2 MenuChekereS1 MenuChekereS2 MenuChekereS3 MenuChekereS4 MenuChekereS5 MenuChekereS6 MenuChekereST MenuChekereL MenuChekereLT MenuMaracas1 MenuMaracas2 MenuMaracas3 MenuMaracas4 MenuGuiro1 MenuGuiro2 MenuGuiro3 MenuGuiro4 MenuGuiro5 MenuGuiro6 MenuGuiro7 MenuGuiro8 MenuGuira1 MenuGuira2 MenuGuira3 MenuGuira4 MenuClaves1 MenuClaves2 MenuClaves3 MenuClaves4 MenuPandeiro1 MenuPandeiro2 MenuPandeiro3 MenuPandeiro4 MenuPandeiro5 MenuPandeiro6 MenuPandeiro7 MenuPandeiro8 MenuPandeiro9 MenuPandeiro10 MenuPandeiro11 MenuPandeiro12 MenuPandeiro13 MenuPandeiro14 MenuPandeiro15 MenuPandeiro16 MenuPandeiro17 MenuTamborimT1 MenuTamborimT2 MenuTamborim1 MenuTamborim2 MenuTamborim3 MenuTamborim4 MenuTamborim5 MenuTamborim6 MenuTamborim7 MenuTamborim8 MenuTamborim9 MenuTamborim10 MenuTamborim11 MenuTamborim12 MenuTamborim13 MenuAgogo1 MenuAgogo2 MenuAgogo3 MenuAgogo4 MenuAgogo5 MenuAgogo6 MenuAgogo7 MenuAgogo8 MenuAgogo9 MenuFunkBell1 MenuFunkBell2 MenuWdBlkLarge1 MenuWdBlkLarge2 MenuWdBlkSmall1 MenuWdBlkSmall2 on on on on on on on on on on on on on SurdoL1 Sw SurdoL2 Sw RepiniqueH1 Sw RepiniqueH2 Sw RepiniqueH3 Sw RepiniqueH4 Sw RepiniqueH5 Sw RepiniqueH6 Sw RepiniqueL10 Pandeiro1 Sw Pandeiro2 Sw Pandeiro3 Sw Pandeiro4 Sw Caixa5 Caixa2 Sw TamborimT Sw Tamborim1 Sw Tamborim2 Sw Agogo1 Sw Agogo2 Sw Agogo3 Sw WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw TriangleL1 Sw TriangleL2 Sw TriangleS1 Sw TriangleS2 Sw Shaker1 Sw Shaker2 Sw Shaker3 Sw CaxixiL1 Sw CaxixiL3 Sw Cuica3 Cuica6 Whistle1 Whistle2 Whistle3 on on on on on on on on SurdoL1 Sw SurdoL2 Sw TriangleS1 Sw TriangleS2 Sw TumbaO Sw CongaB Sw CongaT Sw CongaOS Sw Claves2 Sw CongaO Sw WoodBlockLarge Sw WoodBlockSmall Sw BongoL Sw BongoH1 Sw BongoH2 Sw TamborimT Sw Tamborim1 Sw Tamborim2 Sw Agogo1 Sw Agogo2 Sw Agogo3 Sw TimbaleL3 TimbaleH3 PailaL Sw PailaH Sw HandBellMO Sw HandBellSM Sw MamboBell Sw Shaker1 Sw Shaker2 Sw Shaker3 Sw Maracas1 Sw Maracas2 Sw Guiro1 Sw Guiro2 Sw Guiro3 Sw Guiro4 Sw on on on Maracas4 Sw Shaker9 Sw CabassaL1 Sw Cuica2 Cuica5 Agogo3 Sw Agogo1 Sw Agogo2 Sw Agogo1 Sw TriangleS2 Sw TriangleS1 Sw on on on on on on on on on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound 42 * The Alternate Group settings have been programmed only for the kits listed below. Pgm# 4 GMPerc, Pgm#10 GMLtnDr, Pgm#23 DlyGMPrc, Pgm#24 DlyGMltn, Pgm#29 ODGMLtn, Pgm#33 Dst1GMLt, Pgm#37 Dst2GMLtn, Pgm#64 RvbGMPc, Pgm#69 RvbGMLtn None of the other kits (excepting those above) have Alternate Group settings. Voice List 15 BrzlHnd2 Inst Name K I 16 Bells Inst Name K I 17 Shakers Inst Name K I 18 Skins Inst Name K I 19 Sticks1 Inst Name K I 20 Sticks2 Inst Name K I 21 DlyAfrCb Inst Name K I 22 DlyBrazl Inst Name K I MenuTriangleL1 MenuTriangleL2 MenuTriangleL3 MenuTriangleL4 MenuTriangleL5 MenuTriangleL6 MenuTriangleS1 MenuTriangleS2 MenuTriangleS3 MenuTriangleS4 MenuTriangleS5 MenuTriangleS6 MenuShaker1 MenuShaker2 MenuShaker3 MenuShaker4 MenuShaker5 MenuShaker7 MenuShaker6 MenuShaker8 MenuShaker9 MenuShaker10 MenuShaker11 MenuShaker12 MenuCabassaL1 MenuCabassaL2 MenuCabassaL3 MenuCabassaL4 MenuCabassaL5 MenuCabassaL6 MenuCabassaL7 MenuCabassaL8 MenuCabassaL9 MenuCabassaL10 MenuCaxixiL1 MenuCaxixiL2 MenuCaxixiL3 MenuCaxixiL4 MenuCaxixiL5 MenuCaxixiL6 MenuCaxixiS1 MenuCaxixiS2 MenuCaxixiS3 MenuCaxixiS4 MenuCuica1 MenuCuica2 MenuCuica3 MenuCuica4 MenuCuica5 MenuCuica6 MenuCuica7 MenuWhistle1 MenuWhistle2 MenuWhistle3 MenuWhistle4 MenuWhistle5 MenuWhistle6 MenuWhistle7 MenuWhistle8 MenuWhistle9 MenuWhistle10 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on MenuHandBellMO1 MenuHandBellMO2 MenuHandBellMM1 MenuHandBellMM2 MenuHandBellSO1 MenuHandBellSO2 MenuHandBellSM1 MenuHandBellSM2 MenuHandBellSM3 MenuHandBellC1 MenuHandBellC2 MenuMamboBell1 MenuMamboBell2 MenuMamboBell3 MenuChaChaBellL1 MenuChaChaBellL2 MenuSongoBellH1 MenuSongoBellH2 MenuSongoBellL1 MenuSongoBellL2 MenuFunkBell1 MenuFunkBell2 MenuAgogo3 MenuAgogo1 MenuAgogo2 MenuAgogo4 MenuAgogo5 MenuAgogo6 MenuAgogo7 MenuAgogo8 MenuAgogo9 on on on on on on on MenuShaker1 MenuShaker2 MenuShaker3 MenuShaker4 MenuShaker5 MenuShaker6 MenuShaker7 MenuShaker8 MenuShaker9 MenuShaker10 MenuShaker11 MenuShaker12 MenuCabassaL1 MenuCabassaL2 MenuCabassaL3 MenuCabassaL4 MenuCabassaL5 MenuCabassaL6 MenuCabassaL7 MenuCabassaL8 MenuCabassaL9 MenuCabassaL10 MenuCaxixiL1 MenuCaxixiL2 MenuCaxixiL3 MenuCaxixiL4 MenuCaxixiL5 MenuCaxixiL6 MenuCaxixiS1 MenuCaxixiS2 MenuCaxixiS3 MenuCaxixiS4 MenuChekereS1 MenuChekereS2 MenuChekereS3 MenuChekereS4 MenuChekereS5 MenuChekereS6 MenuChekereST MenuChekereL MenuChekereLT MenuMaracas1 MenuMaracas2 MenuMaracas3 MenuMaracas4 on on on on on on on on on on MenuTumbaB1 MenuTumbaB2 MenuTumbaT1 MenuTumbaT2 MenuTumbaSC1 MenuTumbaSC2 MenuTumbaSC3 MenuTumbaM MenuTumbaO1 MenuTumbaO2 MenuTumbaO3 MenuCongaB1 MenuCongaB2 MenuCongaT1 MenuCongaT2 MenuCongaOS1 MenuCongaOS2 MenuCongaOS3 MenuCongaM MenuCongaO1 MenuCongaO2 MenuCongaO3 MenuCongaStick MenuQuintoR1 MenuQuintoR2 MenuQuintoB MenuQuintoT MenuQuintoS1 MenuQuintoS2 MenuQuintoM MenuQuintoO1 MenuQuintoO2 MenuBongoL1 MenuBongoL2 MenuBongoL3 MenuBongoH1 MenuBongoH2 MenuBongoH3 MenuBongoH4 MenuBongoH5 MenuBongoH6 MenuSurdoL1 MenuSurdoL2 MenuSurdoL3 MenuSurdoL4 MenuSurdoLLH1 MenuSurdoLLH2 MenuSurdoLRM MenuSurdoLRO MenuSurdoM1 MenuSurdoM2 MenuSurdoM3 MenuSurdoM4 MenuSurdoMLH1 MenuSurdoMLH2 MenuSurdoMRM MenuSurdoMRO MenuSurdoH1 MenuSurdoH2 MenuSurdoH3 MenuSurdoH4 MenuSurdoHLH1 MenuSurdoHLH2 MenuSurdoHRM MenuSurdoHRO MenuRepiniqueL1 MenuRepiniqueL2 MenuRepiniqueL3 MenuRepiniqueL4 MenuRepiniqueL5 MenuRepiniqueL6 MenuRepiniqueL7 MenuRepiniqueL8 MenuRepiniqueL9 MenuRepiniqueL10 MenuRepiniqueL11 MenuRepiniqueL12 MenuRepiniqueL13 MenuRepiniqueL14 MenuRepiniqueL15 MenuRepiniqueH1 MenuRepiniqueH2 MenuRepiniqueH3 MenuRepiniqueH4 MenuRepiniqueH5 MenuRepiniqueH6 MenuRepiniqueH7 MenuRepiniqueH8 MenuRepiniqueH9 MenuRepiniqueH10 MenuRepiniqueH11 MenuRepiniqueH12 on on on on on on on on on on on on MenuTimbaleL1 MenuTimbaleL2 MenuTimbaleL3 MenuTimbaleL4 MenuTimbaleLE MenuTimbaleLM MenuTimbaleH1 MenuTimbaleH2 MenuTimbaleH3 MenuTimbaleH4 MenuTimbaleHR1 MenuTimbaleHR2 MenuTimbaleHE1 MenuTimbaleHE2 MenuPailaL1 MenuPailaL2 MenuPailaH1 MenuPailaH2 MenuTimbaleF1 MenuTimbaleF2 MenuTimbaleF3 MenuTimbaleF4 MenuTimbaleF5 MenuTimbaleF6 MenuCaixa1 MenuCaixa2 MenuCaixa3 MenuCaixa4 MenuCaixa5 MenuCaixa6 MenuCaixa7 MenuCaixa8 MenuCaixa9 MenuCaixa10 MenuCaixa11 MenuCaixa12 on on on on on on on on on on Dly TumbaB Sw Dly TumbaT Sw Dly TumbaSC Sw Dly TumbaM Dly TumbaO Sw Dly CongaB Sw Dly CongaT Sw Dly CongaOS Sw Dly CongaM Dly CongaO Sw Dly CongaStick Dly QuintoR Sw Dly QuintoB Dly QuintoT Dly QuintoS Sw Dly QuintoM Dly QuintoO Sw Dly BongoL Sw Dly BongoH1 Sw Dly BongoH2 Sw Dly TimbaleL1 Sw Dly TimbaleLE Dly TimbaleL2 Sw Dly TimbaleLM Dly PailaL Sw Dly TimbaleH1 Sw Dly PailaH Sw Dly TimbaleH2 Sw Dly TimbaleHR Sw Dly TimbaleHE Sw Dly TimbaleF1 Dly TimbaleF2 Dly TimbaleF3 Dly TimbaleF4 Dly HandBellMO Sw Dly HandBellMM Sw Dly HandBellSO Sw Dly HandBellSM Sw Dly HandBellC Sw Dly MamboBell Sw Dly ChaChaBell Sw Dly SongoBellH Sw Dly SongoBellL Sw Dly FunkBell1 Dly FunkBell2 Dly WoodBlockLarge Sw Dly WoodBlockSmall Sw Dly ChekereS1 Sw Dly ChekereS2 Sw Dly ChekereS3 Sw Dly ChekereST Dly ChekereL Dly ChekereLT Dly Maracas1 Sw Dly Maracas2 Sw Dly Guiro1 Sw Dly Guiro2 Sw Dly Guiro3 Sw Dly Guiro4 Sw Dly Claves1 Sw Dly Claves2 Sw Dly Guira1 Dly Guira2 Dly Guira3 Dly Guira4 on on on on Dly SurdoL1 Sw Dly SurdoL2 Sw Dly SurdoLLH Sw Dly SurdoLRM Dly SurdoLRO Dly SurdoM1 Sw Dly SurdoM2 Sw Dly SurdoMLH Sw Dly SurdoMRM Dly SurdoMRO Dly SurdoH1 Sw Dly SurdoH2 Sw Dly SurdoHLH Sw Dly SurdoHRM Dly SurdoHRO Dly RepiniqueL1 Sw Dly RepiniqueL2 Sw Dly RepiniqueL3 Sw Dly RepiniqueL4 Sw Dly RepiniqueL5 Sw Dly RepiniqueL6 Sw Dly RepiniqueL7 Dly RepiniqueL8 Dly RepiniqueL9 Dly RepiniqueH1 Sw Dly RepiniqueH2 Sw Dly RepiniqueH3 Sw Dly RepiniqueH4 Sw Dly RepiniqueH5 Sw Dly RepiniqueH6 Sw Dly Pandeiro1 Sw Dly Pandeiro2 Sw Dly Pandeiro3 Sw Dly Pandeiro4 Sw Dly Pandeiro5 Sw Dly Pandeiro6 Dly Pandeiro7 Dly Caixa1 Sw Dly Caixa2 Sw Dly Caixa3 Sw Dly Caixa4 Sw Dly TamborimT Sw Dly Tamborim1 Sw Dly Tamborim2 Sw Dly Tamborim3 Sw Dly Tamborim4 Sw Dly Tamborim5 Sw Dly Tamborim6 Sw Dly Agogo1 Sw Dly Agogo2 Sw Dly Agogo3 Sw Dly FunkBell1 Dly FunkBell2 Dly WoodBlockLarge Sw Dly WoodBlockSmall Sw Dly TriangleL1 Sw Dly TriangleL2 Sw Dly TriangleS1 Sw Dly TriangleS2 Sw Dly Shaker1 Sw Dly Shaker2 Sw Dly Shaker3 Sw Dly CabassaL1 Sw Dly CabassaL2 Sw Dly CabassaL3 Sw Dly CabassaL4 Dly CabassaL5 Dly CaxixiL1 Sw Dly CaxixiL2 Sw Dly CaxixiL3 Sw Dly CaxixiS1 Sw Dly CaxixiS2 Sw Dly Cuica1 Dly Cuica2 Dly Cuica3 Dly Cuica4 Dly Cuica5 Dly Cuica6 Dly Cuica7 Dly Whistle1 Dly Whistle2 Dly Whistle3 Dly Whistle4 Dly Whistle5 Dly Whistle6 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound * The Alternate Group settings have been programmed only for the kits listed below. Pgm# 4 GMPerc, Pgm#10 GMLtnDr, Pgm#23 DlyGMPrc, Pgm#24 DlyGMltn, Pgm#29 ODGMLtn, Pgm#33 Dst1GMLt, Pgm#37 Dst2GMLtn, Pgm#64 RvbGMPc, Pgm#69 RvbGMLtn None of the other kits (excepting those above) have Alternate Group settings. 43 Voice List PC Instrument Map Program No. Kit Name Note# Note A 13 C# -1 3 14 D -1 3 15 D# -1 16 E -1 17 F -1 18 F# -1 19 G -1 20 G# -1 21 A -1 22 A# -1 23 B -1 24 C 0 25 C# 0 26 D 0 27 D# 0 28 E 0 29 F 0 30 F# 0 31 G 0 32 G# 0 33 A 0 34 A# 0 35 B 0 36 C 1 37 C# 1 38 D 1 39 D# 1 40 E 1 41 F 1 42 F# 1 43 G 1 44 G# 1 45 A 1 46 A# 1 47 B 1 48 C 2 49 C# 2 50 D 2 51 D# 2 52 E 2 53 F 2 54 F# 2 55 G 2 56 G# 2 57 A 2 58 A# 2 59 B 2 60 C 3 61 C# 3 62 D 3 63 D# 3 64 E 3 65 F 3 66 F# 3 67 G 3 68 G# 3 69 A 3 70 A# 3 71 B 3 72 C 4 73 C# 4 74 D 4 75 D# 4 76 E 4 77 F 4 78 F# 4 79 G 4 80 G# 4 2 81 A 42 82 A# 4 83 B 4 84 C 5 85 C# 5 86 D 5 87 D# 5 88 E 5 89 F 5 90 F# 5 91 G 5 92 G# 5 93 A 5 94 A# 5 95 B 5 96 C 6 97 C# 6 98 D 6 99 D# 6 100 E 6 101 F 6 102 F# 6 103 G 6 104 G# 6 105 A 6 106 A# 6 107 B 6 108 C 7 23 DlyGMPrc Inst Name K I MSB=79, LSB=1 24 DlyGMLtn Inst Name K Dly GMSurdo1 on Dly GMSurdo2 on Dly GMCuica1 on Dly GMTamborim1 Dly GMCuica2 on Dly GMCuica3 on Dly GMCabassa1 on Dly GMTamborim2 Dly GMCaixa1 Dly GMCaixa2 Dly GMClaves1 Dly GMClaves2 Dly GMShaker1 Dly GMShaker2 Dly GMShaker3 Dly GMShaker4 Dly GMRepinique1 on Dly GMClaves3 Dly GMCaixa3 Dly GMCaixa4 Dly GMSurdo3 on Dly GMCaixa5 Dly GMSurdo4 on Dly GMSurdo5 on Dly GMRepinique2 Dly GMCaixa6 Dly GMRepinique3 on Dly GMCaixa7 Dly GMSurdo6 Dly GMAgogo1 Dly GMSurdo7 Dly GMAgogo2 Dly GMSurdo8 Dly GMAgogo3 Dly GMSurdo9 Dly GMSurdo10 Dly GMTriangle1 Dly GMSurdo11 Dly GMMamboBell Dly GMSongoBell1 Dly GMHandBell1 Dly GMPandeiro Dly GMHandBell2 Dly GMFunkBell Dly GMTriangle2 Dly GMRepinique4 on Dly GMSongoBell2 Dly GMBongo1 Dly GMBongo2 Dly GMConga1 Dly GMConga2 Dly GMTumba Dly GMTimbale1 Dly GMTimbale2 Dly GMAgogo4 Dly GMAgogo5 Dly GMCabassa2 on Dly GMMaracas Dly GMWhistle1 on Dly GMWhistle2 on Dly GMGuiro1 Dly GMGuiro2 on Dly GMClaves4 Dly GMWoodBlock1 Dly GMWoodBlock2 Dly GMCuica4 on Dly GMCuica5 on Dly GMTriangle3 Dly GMTriangle4 Dly GMShaker5 Dly GMCaxixi on Dly GMCabassa3 on I 25 NsDAfrCb Inst Name K I 26 NsDBrazl Inst Name K I 27 ODAfrCbn Inst Name K I 28 ODBrazil Inst Name K I 29 ODGMLtn Inst Name OvrDrv GMSurdo1 OvrDrv GMSurdo2 OvrDrv GMCuica1 OvrDrv GMTamborim1 OvrDrv GMCuica2 OvrDrv GMCuica3 OvrDrv GMCabassa1 OvrDrv GMTamborim2 OvrDrv GMCaixa1 OvrDrv GMCaixa2 OvrDrv GMClaves1 OvrDrv GMClaves2 OvrDrv GMShaker1 OvrDrv GMShaker2 OvrDrv GMShaker3 OvrDrv GMShaker4 OvrDrv GMRepinique1 OvrDrv GMClaves3 OvrDrv GMCaixa3 OvrDrv GMCaixa4 OvrDrv GMSurdo3 OvrDrv GMCaixa5 OvrDrv GMSurdo4 OvrDrv GMSurdo5 OvrDrv GMRepinique2 OvrDrv GMCaixa6 OvrDrv GMRepinique3 OvrDrv GMCaixa7 OvrDrv GMSurdo6 OvrDrv GMAgogo1 OvrDrv GMSurdo7 OvrDrv GMAgogo2 OvrDrv GMSurdo8 OvrDrv GMAgogo3 OvrDrv GMSurdo9 OvrDrv GMSurdo10 OvrDrv GMTriangle1 OvrDrv GMSurdo11 OvrDrv GMMamboBell OvrDrv GMSongoBell1 OvrDrv GMHandBell1 OvrDrv GMPandeiro OvrDrv GMHandBell2 OvrDrv GMFunkBell OvrDrv GMTriangle2 OvrDrv GMRepinique4 OvrDrv GMSongoBell2 OvrDrv GMBongo1 OvrDrv GMBongo2 OvrDrv GMConga1 OvrDrv GMConga2 OvrDrv GMTumba OvrDrv GMTimbale1 OvrDrv GMTimbale2 OvrDrv GMAgogo4 OvrDrv GMAgogo5 OvrDrv GMCabassa2 OvrDrv GMMaracas OvrDrv GMWhistle1 OvrDrv GMWhistle2 OvrDrv GMGuiro1 OvrDrv GMGuiro2 OvrDrv GMClaves4 OvrDrv GMWoodBlock1 OvrDrv GMWoodBlock2 OvrDrv GMCuica4 OvrDrv GMCuica5 OvrDrv GMTriangle3 OvrDrv GMTriangle4 OvrDrv GMShaker5 OvrDrv GMCaxixi OvrDrv GMCabassa3 K I on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on Dly GMClick Dly GMCowbell Dly GMBongoH Dly GMBongoL Dly GMCongaHMute Dly GMCongaHOpen Dly GMCongaL Dly GMTimbaleH Dly GMTimbaleL Dly GMAgogoH Dly GMAgogoL Dly GMCabassa Dly GMMaracas Dly GMWhistleH Dly GMWhistleL Dly GMGuiroShort Dly GMGuiroLong Dly GMClavess Dly GMWoodBlockH Dly GMWoodBlockL Dly GMCuicaMute Dly GMCuicaOpen Dly GMTriangleMute Dly GMTriangleOpen Dly GMShaker on on on on on on NoisDly TumbaB Sw NoisDly TumbaT Sw NoisDly TumbaSC Sw NoisDly TumbaM NoisDly TumbaO Sw NoisDly CongaB Sw NoisDly CongaT Sw NoisDly CongaOS Sw NoisDly CongaM NoisDly CongaO Sw NoisDly CongaStick NoisDly QuintoR Sw NoisDly QuintoB NoisDly QuintoT NoisDly QuintoS Sw NoisDly QuintoM NoisDly QuintoO Sw NoisDly BongoL Sw NoisDly BongoH1 Sw NoisDly BongoH2 Sw NoisDly TimbaleL1 Sw NoisDly TimbaleLE NoisDly TimbaleL2 Sw NoisDly TimbaleLM NoisDly PailaL Sw NoisDly TimbaleH1 Sw NoisDly PailaH Sw NoisDly TimbaleH2 Sw NoisDly TimbaleHR Sw NoisDly TimbaleHE Sw NoisDly TimbaleF1 NoisDly TimbaleF2 NoisDly TimbaleF3 NoisDly TimbaleF4 NoisDly HandBellMO Sw NoisDly HandBellMM Sw NoisDly HandBellSO Sw NoisDly HandBellSM Sw NoisDly HandBellC Sw NoisDly MamboBell Sw NoisDly ChaChaBell Sw NoisDly SongoBellH Sw NoisDly SongoBellL Sw NoisDly FunkBell1 NoisDly FunkBell2 NoisDly WdBlkLarge Sw NoisDly WdBlkSmall Sw NoisDly ChekereS1 Sw NoisDly ChekereS2 Sw NoisDly ChekereS3 Sw NoisDly ChekereST NoisDly ChekereL NoisDly ChekereLT NoisDly Maracas1 Sw NoisDly Maracas2 Sw NoisDly Guiro1 Sw NoisDly Guiro2 Sw NoisDly Guiro3 Sw NoisDly Guiro4 Sw NoisDly Claves1 Sw NoisDly Claves2 Sw NoisDly Guira1 NoisDly Guira2 NoisDly Guira3 NoisDly Guira4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on NoisDly SurdoL1 Sw NoisDly SurdoL2 Sw NoisDly SurdoLLH Sw NoisDly SurdoLRM NoisDly SurdoLRO NoisDly SurdoM1 Sw NoisDly SurdoM2 Sw NoisDly SurdoMLH Sw NoisDly SurdoMRM NoisDly SurdoMRO NoisDly SurdoH1 Sw NoisDly SurdoH2 Sw NoisDly SurdoHLH Sw NoisDly SurdoHRM NoisDly SurdoHRO NoisDly RepiniqueL1 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueL2 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueL3 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueL4 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueL5 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueL6 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueL7 NoisDly RepiniqueL8 NoisDly RepiniqueL9 NoisDly RepiniqueH1 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueH2 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueH3 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueH4 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueH5 Sw NoisDly RepiniqueH6 Sw NoisDly Pandeiro1 Sw NoisDly Pandeiro2 Sw NoisDly Pandeiro3 Sw NoisDly Pandeiro4 Sw NoisDly Pandeiro5 Sw NoisDly Pandeiro6 NoisDly Pandeiro7 NoisDly Caixa1 Sw NoisDly Caixa2 Sw NoisDly Caixa3 Sw NoisDly Caixa4 Sw NoisDly TamborimT Sw NoisDly Tamborim1 Sw NoisDly Tamborim2 Sw NoisDly Tamborim3 Sw NoisDly Tamborim4 Sw NoisDly Tamborim5 Sw NoisDly Tamborim6 Sw NoisDly Agogo1 Sw NoisDly Agogo2 Sw NoisDly Agogo3 Sw NoisDly FunkBell1 NoisDly FunkBell2 NoisDly WdBlkLarge Sw NoisDly WdBlkSmall Sw NoisDly TriangleL1 Sw NoisDly TriangleL2 Sw NoisDly TriangleS1 Sw NoisDly TriangleS2 Sw NoisDly Shaker1 Sw NoisDly Shaker2 Sw NoisDly Shaker3 Sw NoisDly CabassaL1 Sw NoisDly CabassaL2 Sw NoisDly CabassaL3 Sw NoisDly CabassaL4 NoisDly CabassaL5 NoisDly CaxixiL1 Sw NoisDly CaxixiL2 Sw NoisDly CaxixiL3 Sw NoisDly CaxixiS1 Sw NoisDly CaxixiS2 Sw NoisDly Cuica1 NoisDly Cuica2 NoisDly Cuica3 NoisDly Cuica4 NoisDly Cuica5 NoisDly Cuica6 NoisDly Cuica7 NoisDly Whistle1 NoisDly Whistle2 NoisDly Whistle3 NoisDly Whistle4 NoisDly Whistle5 NoisDly Whistle6 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on OvrDrv TumbaB Sw OvrDrv TumbaT Sw OvrDrv TumbaSC Sw OvrDrv TumbaM OvrDrv TumbaO Sw OvrDrv CongaB Sw OvrDrv CongaT Sw OvrDrv CongaOS Sw OvrDrv CongaM OvrDrv CongaO Sw OvrDrv CongaStick OvrDrv QuintoR Sw OvrDrv QuintoB OvrDrv QuintoT OvrDrv QuintoS Sw OvrDrv QuintoM OvrDrv QuintoO Sw OvrDrv BongoL Sw OvrDrv BongoH1 Sw OvrDrv BongoH2 Sw OvrDrv TimbaleL1 Sw OvrDrv TimbaleLE OvrDrv TimbaleL2 Sw OvrDrv TimbaleLM OvrDrv PailaL Sw OvrDrv TimbaleH1 Sw OvrDrv PailaH Sw OvrDrv TimbaleH2 Sw OvrDrv TimbaleHR Sw OvrDrv TimbaleHE Sw OvrDrv TimbaleF1 OvrDrv TimbaleF2 OvrDrv TimbaleF3 OvrDrv TimbaleF4 OvrDrv HandBellMO Sw OvrDrv HandBellMM Sw OvrDrv HandBellSO Sw OvrDrv HandBellSM Sw OvrDrv HandBellC Sw OvrDrv MamboBell Sw OvrDrv ChaChaBell Sw OvrDrv SongoBellH Sw OvrDrv SongoBellL Sw OvrDrv FunkBell1 OvrDrv FunkBell2 OvrDrv WdBlkLarge Sw OvrDrv WdBlkSmall Sw OvrDrv ChekereS1 Sw OvrDrv ChekereS2 Sw OvrDrv ChekereS3 Sw OvrDrv ChekereST OvrDrv ChekereL OvrDrv ChekereLT OvrDrv Maracas1 Sw OvrDrv Maracas2 Sw OvrDrv Guiro1 Sw OvrDrv Guiro2 Sw OvrDrv Guiro3 Sw OvrDrv Guiro4 Sw OvrDrv Claves1 Sw OvrDrv Claves2 Sw OvrDrv Guira1 OvrDrv Guira2 OvrDrv Guira3 OvrDrv Guira4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on OvrDrv SurdoL1 Sw OvrDrv SurdoL2 Sw OvrDrv SurdoLLH Sw OvrDrv SurdoLRM OvrDrv SurdoLRO OvrDrv SurdoM1 Sw OvrDrv SurdoM2 Sw OvrDrv SurdoMLH Sw OvrDrv SurdoMRM OvrDrv SurdoMRO OvrDrv SurdoH1 Sw OvrDrv SurdoH2 Sw OvrDrv SurdoHLH Sw OvrDrv SurdoHRM OvrDrv SurdoHRO OvrDrv RepiniqueL1 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueL2 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueL3 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueL4 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueL5 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueL6 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueL7 OvrDrv RepiniqueL8 OvrDrv RepiniqueL9 OvrDrv RepiniqueH1 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueH2 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueH3 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueH4 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueH5 Sw OvrDrv RepiniqueH6 Sw OvrDrv Pandeiro1 Sw OvrDrv Pandeiro2 Sw OvrDrv Pandeiro3 Sw OvrDrv Pandeiro4 Sw OvrDrv Pandeiro5 Sw OvrDrv Pandeiro6 OvrDrv Pandeiro7 OvrDrv Caixa1 Sw OvrDrv Caixa2 Sw OvrDrv Caixa3 Sw OvrDrv Caixa4 Sw OvrDrv TamborimT Sw OvrDrv Tamborim1 Sw OvrDrv Tamborim2 Sw OvrDrv Tamborim3 Sw OvrDrv Tamborim4 Sw OvrDrv Tamborim5 Sw OvrDrv Tamborim6 Sw OvrDrv Agogo1 Sw OvrDrv Agogo2 Sw OvrDrv Agogo3 Sw OvrDrv FunkBell1 OvrDrv FunkBell2 OvrDrv WdBlkLarge Sw OvrDrv WdBlkSmall Sw OvrDrv TriangleL1 Sw OvrDrv TriangleL2 Sw OvrDrv TriangleS1 Sw OvrDrv TriangleS2 Sw OvrDrv Shaker1 Sw OvrDrv Shaker2 Sw OvrDrv Shaker3 Sw OvrDrv CabassaL1 Sw OvrDrv CabassaL2 Sw OvrDrv CabassaL3 Sw OvrDrv CabassaL4 OvrDrv CabassaL5 OvrDrv CaxixiL1 Sw OvrDrv CaxixiL2 Sw OvrDrv CaxixiL3 Sw OvrDrv CaxixiS1 Sw OvrDrv CaxixiS2 Sw OvrDrv Cuica1 OvrDrv Cuica2 OvrDrv Cuica3 OvrDrv Cuica4 OvrDrv Cuica5 OvrDrv Cuica6 OvrDrv Cuica7 OvrDrv Whistle1 OvrDrv Whistle2 OvrDrv Whistle3 OvrDrv Whistle4 OvrDrv Whistle5 OvrDrv Whistle6 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound 44 * The Alternate Group settings have been programmed only for the kits listed below. Pgm# 4 GMPerc, Pgm#10 GMLtnDr, Pgm#23 DlyGMPrc, Pgm#24 DlyGMltn, Pgm#29 ODGMLtn, Pgm#33 Dst1GMLt, Pgm#37 Dst2GMLtn, Pgm#64 RvbGMPc, Pgm#69 RvbGMLtn None of the other kits (excepting those above) have Alternate Group settings. Voice List 30 ODKk&Snr Inst Name K I 31 Dst1AfCb Inst Name K I 32 Dst1Brzl Inst Name K I OvrDrv SurdoL1 OvrDrv SurdoL2 OvrDrv SurdoL3 OvrDrv SurdoL4 OvrDrv SurdoLLH1 OvrDrv SurdoLLH2 OvrDrv SurdoLRM OvrDrv SurdoLRO OvrDrv SurdoM1 OvrDrv SurdoM2 OvrDrv SurdoM3 OvrDrv SurdoM4 OvrDrv SurdoMLH1 OvrDrv SurdoMLH2 OvrDrv SurdoMRM OvrDrv SurdoMRO OvrDrv SurdoH1 OvrDrv SurdoH2 OvrDrv SurdoH3 OvrDrv SurdoH4 OvrDrv SurdoHLH1 OvrDrv SurdoHLH2 OvrDrv SurdoHRM OvrDrv SurdoHRO OvrDrv Caixa1 OvrDrv Caixa2 OvrDrv Caixa3 OvrDrv Caixa4 OvrDrv Caixa5 OvrDrv Caixa6 OvrDrv Caixa7 OvrDrv Caixa8 OvrDrv Caixa9 OvrDrv Caixa10 OvrDrv Caixa11 OvrDrv Caixa12 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on Dist1 TumbaB Sw Dist1 TumbaT Sw Dist1 TumbaSC Sw Dist1 TumbaM Dist1 TumbaO Sw Dist1 CongaB Sw Dist1 CongaT Sw Dist1 CongaOS Sw Dist1 CongaM Dist1 CongaO Sw Dist1 CongaStick Dist1 QuintoR Sw Dist1 QuintoB Dist1 QuintoT Dist1 QuintoS Sw Dist1 QuintoM Dist1 QuintoO Sw Dist1 BongoL Sw Dist1 BongoH1 Sw Dist1 BongoH2 Sw Dist1 TimbaleL1 Sw Dist1 TimbaleLE Dist1 TimbaleL2 Sw Dist1 TimbaleLM Dist1 PailaL Sw Dist1 TimbaleH1 Sw Dist1 PailaH Sw Dist1 TimbaleH2 Sw Dist1 TimbaleHR Sw Dist1 TimbaleHE Sw Dist1 TimbaleF1 Dist1 TimbaleF2 Dist1 TimbaleF3 Dist1 TimbaleF4 Dist1 HandBellMO Sw Dist1 HandBellMM Sw Dist1 HandBellSO Sw Dist1 HandBellSM Sw Dist1 HandBellC Sw Dist1 MamboBell Sw Dist1 ChaChaBell Sw Dist1 SongoBellH Sw Dist1 SongoBellL Sw Dist1 FunkBell1 Dist1 FunkBell2 Dist1 WdBlkLarge Sw Dist1 WdBlkSmall Sw Dist1 ChekereS1 Sw Dist1 ChekereS2 Sw Dist1 ChekereS3 Sw Dist1 ChekereST Dist1 ChekereL Dist1 ChekereLT Dist1 Maracas1 Sw Dist1 Maracas2 Sw Dist1 Guiro1 Sw Dist1 Guiro2 Sw Dist1 Guiro3 Sw Dist1 Guiro4 Sw Dist1 Claves1 Sw Dist1 Claves2 Sw Dist1 Guira1 Dist1 Guira2 Dist1 Guira3 Dist1 Guira4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 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Agogo3 Sw Dist1 FunkBell1 Dist1 FunkBell2 Dist1 WdBlkLarge Sw Dist1 WdBlkSmall Sw Dist1 TriangleL1 Sw Dist1 TriangleL2 Sw Dist1 TriangleS1 Sw Dist1 TriangleS2 Sw Dist1 Shaker1 Sw Dist1 Shaker2 Sw Dist1 Shaker3 Sw Dist1 CabassaL1 Sw Dist1 CabassaL2 Sw Dist1 CabassaL3 Sw Dist1 CabassaL4 Dist1 CabassaL5 Dist1 CaxixiL1 Sw Dist1 CaxixiL2 Sw Dist1 CaxixiL3 Sw Dist1 CaxixiS1 Sw Dist1 CaxixiS2 Sw Dist1 Cuica1 Dist1 Cuica2 Dist1 Cuica3 Dist1 Cuica4 Dist1 Cuica5 Dist1 Cuica6 Dist1 Cuica7 Dist1 Whistle1 Dist1 Whistle2 Dist1 Whistle3 Dist1 Whistle4 Dist1 Whistle5 Dist1 Whistle6 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 33 Dst1GMLt Inst Name Dist1 GMSurdo1 Dist1 GMSurdo2 Dist1 GMCuica1 Dist1 GMTamborim1 Dist1 GMCuica2 Dist1 GMCuica3 Dist1 GMCabassa1 Dist1 GMTamborim2 Dist1 GMCaixa1 Dist1 GMCaixa2 Dist1 GMClaves1 Dist1 GMClaves2 Dist1 GMShaker1 Dist1 GMShaker2 Dist1 GMShaker3 Dist1 GMShaker4 Dist1 GMRepinique1 Dist1 GMClaves3 Dist1 GMCaixa3 Dist1 GMCaixa4 Dist1 GMSurdo3 Dist1 GMCaixa5 Dist1 GMSurdo4 Dist1 GMSurdo5 Dist1 GMRepinique2 Dist1 GMCaixa6 Dist1 GMRepinique3 Dist1 GMCaixa7 Dist1 GMSurdo6 Dist1 GMAgogo1 Dist1 GMSurdo7 Dist1 GMAgogo2 Dist1 GMSurdo8 Dist1 GMAgogo3 Dist1 GMSurdo9 Dist1 GMSurdo10 Dist1 GMTriangle1 Dist1 GMSurdo11 Dist1 GMMamboBell Dist1 GMSongoBell1 Dist1 GMHandBell1 Dist1 GMPandeiro Dist1 GMHandBell2 Dist1 GMFunkBell Dist1 GMTriangle2 Dist1 GMRepinique4 Dist1 GMSongoBell2 Dist1 GMBongo1 Dist1 GMBongo2 Dist1 GMConga1 Dist1 GMConga2 Dist1 GMTumba Dist1 GMTimbale1 Dist1 GMTimbale2 Dist1 GMAgogo4 Dist1 GMAgogo5 Dist1 GMCabassa2 Dist1 GMMaracas Dist1 GMWhistle1 Dist1 GMWhistle2 Dist1 GMGuiro1 Dist1 GMGuiro2 Dist1 GMClaves4 Dist1 GMWoodBlock1 Dist1 GMWoodBlock2 Dist1 GMCuica4 Dist1 GMCuica5 Dist1 GMTriangle3 Dist1 GMTriangle4 Dist1 GMShaker5 Dist1 GMCaxixi Dist1 GMCabassa3 K I on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 34 Dst1Kk&S Inst Name K I 35 Dst2AfCb Inst Name K I 36 Dst2Brzl Inst Name K I Dist1 SurdoL1 Dist1 SurdoL2 Dist1 SurdoL3 Dist1 SurdoL4 Dist1 SurdoLLH1 Dist1 SurdoLLH2 Dist1 SurdoLRM Dist1 SurdoLRO Dist1 SurdoM1 Dist1 SurdoM2 Dist1 SurdoM3 Dist1 SurdoM4 Dist1 SurdoMLH1 Dist1 SurdoMLH2 Dist1 SurdoMRM Dist1 SurdoMRO Dist1 SurdoH1 Dist1 SurdoH2 Dist1 SurdoH3 Dist1 SurdoH4 Dist1 SurdoHLH1 Dist1 SurdoHLH2 Dist1 SurdoHRM Dist1 SurdoHRO Dist1 Caixa1 Dist1 Caixa2 Dist1 Caixa3 Dist1 Caixa4 Dist1 Caixa5 Dist1 Caixa6 Dist1 Caixa7 Dist1 Caixa8 Dist1 Caixa9 Dist1 Caixa10 Dist1 Caixa11 Dist1 Caixa12 on on on on 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Dist2 ChekereST Dist2 ChekereL Dist2 ChekereLT Dist2 Maracas1 Sw Dist2 Maracas2 Sw Dist2 Guiro1 Sw Dist2 Guiro2 Sw Dist2 Guiro3 Sw Dist2 Guiro4 Sw Dist2 Claves1 Sw Dist2 Claves2 Sw Dist2 Guira1 Dist2 Guira2 Dist2 Guira3 Dist2 Guira4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on Dist2 SurdoL1 Sw Dist2 SurdoL2 Sw Dist2 SurdoLLH Sw Dist2 SurdoLRM Dist2 SurdoLRO Dist2 SurdoM1 Sw Dist2 SurdoM2 Sw Dist2 SurdoMLH Sw Dist2 SurdoMRM Dist2 SurdoMRO Dist2 SurdoH1 Sw Dist2 SurdoH2 Sw Dist2 SurdoHLH Sw Dist2 SurdoHRM Dist2 SurdoHRO Dist2 RepiniqueL1 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueL2 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueL3 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueL4 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueL5 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueL6 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueL7 Dist2 RepiniqueL8 Dist2 RepiniqueL9 Dist2 RepiniqueH1 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueH2 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueH3 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueH4 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueH5 Sw Dist2 RepiniqueH6 Sw Dist2 Pandeiro1 Sw Dist2 Pandeiro2 Sw Dist2 Pandeiro3 Sw Dist2 Pandeiro4 Sw Dist2 Pandeiro5 Sw Dist2 Pandeiro6 Dist2 Pandeiro7 Dist2 Caixa1 Sw Dist2 Caixa2 Sw Dist2 Caixa3 Sw Dist2 Caixa4 Sw Dist2 TamborimT Sw Dist2 Tamborim1 Sw Dist2 Tamborim2 Sw Dist2 Tamborim3 Sw Dist2 Tamborim4 Sw Dist2 Tamborim5 Sw Dist2 Tamborim6 Sw Dist2 Agogo1 Sw Dist2 Agogo2 Sw Dist2 Agogo3 Sw Dist2 FunkBell1 Dist2 FunkBell2 Dist2 WdBlkLarge Sw Dist2 WdBlkSmall Sw Dist2 TriangleL1 Sw Dist2 TriangleL2 Sw Dist2 TriangleS1 Sw Dist2 TriangleS2 Sw Dist2 Shaker1 Sw Dist2 Shaker2 Sw Dist2 Shaker3 Sw Dist2 CabassaL1 Sw Dist2 CabassaL2 Sw Dist2 CabassaL3 Sw Dist2 CabassaL4 Dist2 CabassaL5 Dist2 CaxixiL1 Sw Dist2 CaxixiL2 Sw Dist2 CaxixiL3 Sw Dist2 CaxixiS1 Sw Dist2 CaxixiS2 Sw Dist2 Cuica1 Dist2 Cuica2 Dist2 Cuica3 Dist2 Cuica4 Dist2 Cuica5 Dist2 Cuica6 Dist2 Cuica7 Dist2 Whistle1 Dist2 Whistle2 Dist2 Whistle3 Dist2 Whistle4 Dist2 Whistle5 Dist2 Whistle6 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 37 Dst2GMLt Inst Name Dist2 GMSurdo1 Dist2 GMSurdo2 Dist2 GMCuica1 Dist2 GMTamborim1 Dist2 GMCuica2 Dist2 GMCuica3 Dist2 GMCabassa1 Dist2 GMTamborim2 Dist2 GMCaixa1 Dist2 GMCaixa2 Dist2 GMClaves1 Dist2 GMClaves2 Dist2 GMShaker1 Dist2 GMShaker2 Dist2 GMShaker3 Dist2 GMShaker4 Dist2 GMRepinique1 Dist2 GMClaves3 Dist2 GMCaixa3 Dist2 GMCaixa4 Dist2 GMSurdo3 Dist2 GMCaixa5 Dist2 GMSurdo4 Dist2 GMSurdo5 Dist2 GMRepinique2 Dist2 GMCaixa6 Dist2 GMRepinique3 Dist2 GMCaixa7 Dist2 GMSurdo6 Dist2 GMAgogo1 Dist2 GMSurdo7 Dist2 GMAgogo2 Dist2 GMSurdo8 Dist2 GMAgogo3 Dist2 GMSurdo9 Dist2 GMSurdo10 Dist2 GMTriangle1 Dist2 GMSurdo11 Dist2 GMMamboBell Dist2 GMSongoBell1 Dist2 GMHandBell1 Dist2 GMPandeiro Dist2 GMHandBell2 Dist2 GMFunkBell Dist2 GMTriangle2 Dist2 GMRepinique4 Dist2 GMSongoBell2 Dist2 GMBongo1 Dist2 GMBongo2 Dist2 GMConga1 Dist2 GMConga2 Dist2 GMTumba Dist2 GMTimbale1 Dist2 GMTimbale2 Dist2 GMAgogo4 Dist2 GMAgogo5 Dist2 GMCabassa2 Dist2 GMMaracas Dist2 GMWhistle1 Dist2 GMWhistle2 Dist2 GMGuiro1 Dist2 GMGuiro2 Dist2 GMClaves4 Dist2 GMWoodBlock1 Dist2 GMWoodBlock2 Dist2 GMCuica4 Dist2 GMCuica5 Dist2 GMTriangle3 Dist2 GMTriangle4 Dist2 GMShaker5 Dist2 GMCaxixi Dist2 GMCabassa3 K I on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on A : Alternate Group K : Key Off I : Insertion Effect : No sound * The Alternate Group settings have been programmed only for the kits listed below. Pgm# 4 GMPerc, Pgm#10 GMLtnDr, Pgm#23 DlyGMPrc, Pgm#24 DlyGMltn, Pgm#29 ODGMLtn, Pgm#33 Dst1GMLt, Pgm#37 Dst2GMLtn, Pgm#64 RvbGMPc, Pgm#69 RvbGMLtn None of the other kits (excepting those above) have Alternate Group settings. 45 Voice List PC Instrument Map Program No. [. . . ] 11 Ubi Road #06-00, Meiban Industrial Building, Singapore Tel: 65-747-4374 ARGENTINA Yamaha de Panamá S. A. Sucursal de Argentina Viamonte 1145 Piso2-B 1053, Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 1-4371-7021 FINLAND F-Musiikki Oy Kluuvikatu 6, P. O. Box 260, SF-00101 Helsinki, Finland Tel: 09 618511 TAIWAN Yamaha KHS Music Co. , Ltd. 10F, 150, Tun-Hwa Northroad, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. [. . . ]


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