Bedienungsanleitung ZANKER CTF950

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung ZANKER CTF950

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[. . . ] INHALT Für den Anwender Wichtige Hinweise Gerätebeschreibung Gebrauch Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes Programmtabelle Tips zum Waschen Wartung Abhilfe bei Störungen Kundendienst und Ersatzteile 4/5 6 7 8/9 10/11 12-14 15 16/17 17 Für den Monteur Technische Angaben Installation Entfernen der Transportsicherung Aufstellung Gerät ausrichten Aufstellen des Gerätes Wasseranschluß Elektrischer Anschluß 18 19 19 19 19/20 20 18 Die folgenden Zeichen in dieser Gebrauchsanleitung leiten Sie beim Bedienen Ihres Gerätes: markiert Hinweise, die für Ihre Sicherheit oder die Funktionsfähigkeit Ihres Gerätes wichtig sind. markiert ergänzende Informationen und Tips kennzeichnet Tips und Hinweise für den wirtschaftlichen und umweltschonenden Umgang mit Ihrem Gerät. 3 CONTENTS For the user Safety instructions Description of the appliance Use of your appliance Operating instructions Programme chart Hints & Tips Cleaning and maintenance If something doesn't work Service 22/23 24 25 26/27 28/29 30-32 33 34/35 35 For the installer Technical information Installation Unpacking Installation Levelling Moving of the appliance Water connection Electrical connection 36 37 37 37 38 38 36 Guide to use the instruction The following symbols will be found in the text to guid you throughout the instructions : Safety instructions Hints and tips Environmental information 21 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS You must read the whole of this instruction book before you use the appliance. If you sell or give away the appliance, make sure that the book is passed to the new owner. The following warnings are provided in the interest of overall safety. You must read them before the appliance is installed or used. [. . . ] Please depress the "EIN/AUS" pushbutton before doing your choice. BE CAREFUL : THE LID CAN ONLY BE OPENED 90 SECONDS AFTER THE MACHINE HAS STOPPED. 29 HINTS AND TIPS Washing hints You are advised not to leave your laundry too long, especially when damp. Damp laundry produces moult and unpleasant smells. Resistant white and coloured synthetics can normally be washed at 60°C but also in this case 40°C is sufficient if the laundry is not excessively dirty. Delicate synthetics, synthetics with non-fast colours and woollen garments must never be washed above 40°C. As you already know, your washing machine can also wash with cold water. They are likely to lose colour the first time they are washed. - treat obstinate stains such as grass, rust, tar, paint, ink etc. with a stain remover before washing. Temperatures We suggest that white cotton and linen, if it is not excessively soiled, can be washed at 60° instead of 95°C. There should be no reduction in performance, but there will be an energy saving of approximately 30%. The same applies to a lesser extent to fast coloured garments. They usually require a temperature of 60°C but if they are not excessively dirty, you will have satisfactory results at 40°C. Garments with non-fast colours should not be washed at temperatures above 40°C. If fast and non-fast colours are washed together, they should be treated as non-fast colours and therefore the temperature should not exceed 40°C. 30 To remove paint stains, for example, use a volatile substance such as turpentine: in this case, you should wait for it to dry completely before washing. The manufacturer of your washing machine is not responsible for any damage deriving from the use of volatile, inflammable or toxic substances. Liquid detergents Using the new automatic dispenser for liquid detergents, it is possible to use a liquid detergent for main wash phases if you start the washing machine immediately. Liquid detergents can be used instead of powder detergents particularly for lightly soiled laundry and for medium or low temperature washing programmes, while it is better to use a powder detergent for high temperature washing programmes. At the end of the washing Damp laundry should be dried as soon as possible after finishing the wash. Knitwear and woollens should be dried flat away from direct sunlight. Liquid additives Detergents and additives Good washing results also depend on the choice of detergent and use of the correct quantities to avoid waste and protect the environment. Although biodegradable, detergents contain substances which in large quantities can damage the delicate ecological balance of nature. Always use good quality detergents suitable for use in washing machines. Follow the indications given by the detergent manufacturer according to the weight of laundry, the degree of soil and the hardness of the water in your area; if you do not know how hard it is, ask your local Water Authority. Any liquid additives for softening the laundry must be poured into the compartment of the detergent dispenser drawer before starting the programme. [. . . ] If you want to keep the alignment of your appliance with the adjacent cupboards, you have the possibility to cut the crossbar holding the hoses located at the back of your washing machine (fig. 2 A B Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Installation The floor must be clean and dry, free from floor polish and other greasy substances, so that the machine does not slide about. Installation on deep pile carpets and floor coverings with foam backings is not recommended, as the stability of the machine is no longer guaranteed. If the installation must be done on a carpeted floor, the openings located at the lower part of the back of the appliance must remain free. [. . . ]


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